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Before I could even think, Steve grabbed me by the arm, wrapping his arm around my waist as he guarded us with his shield

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Before I could even think, Steve grabbed me by the arm, wrapping his arm around my waist as he guarded us with his shield. I had me head on his cheats as the gunfire stops, pushing myself off of him as I ran over to Fury, grabbing him under the arms and pulling him into the open kitchen, behind the counter and out of the line of sight so no more damage could be done to us.

Steve knelt down next to him as I grabbed the shield off of him, holding it over me as I walked to the window. It was dark but I could see the red line of sight coming from a building over the road, which made me duck, crawling along the floor back over to Steve and Fury.

Fury lies on the floor next to meme, grabbing me by the ankle and looking up at me. "Don't trust anyone" He said weakly before looking at the roof once again going unconscious. There was another crash but this time from the front door, I automatically pulled my gun out, a new figure joining us in the kitchen.

"Captain Rogers?" The nurse from across the hall asks as I see her eye flicker towards my gun, which is exactly what mines are doing to the one in her hands as well. "Captain, I'm Agent 13 of SHIELD Special Service" She said to Steve before looking up at me briefly.

"I knew, I know you from somewhere" I mumbled under my breath, pushing my foot under the shield and kicking it up, catching it in my spare hand as I handed it back over to Steve, who was staring at Agent 13 in disbelief.

"I'm assigned to protect you" she said, her eyes sweeping around the apartment instinctively. "On whose order?" Steve asked her as I see her eyes notice Fury lying on the ground, blood pouring from his bullet holes. "His" she said nodding her head towards the body as she pulled her radio from her pants waistband, holding it up to her mouth as she walked over to Fury, setting her gun on the floor and checking his pulse.

"Foxtrot is down, he's unresponsive. I need EMTs" She said, standing straight again as she picked up her gun, setting it in her now obvious holster under the hem of her shirt. "Do you have a twenty on the shooter?" The Agent on the other end of the network asked her, causing her to look at me. "Tell him to call Code 412" I said to Agent 13, my voice raised slightly.

"Why?" She asked me, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, lowering the radio from her mouth. "That's not an authorised code" She shouted back at me as Steve whipped his head in between us. "Yes it is, I would know. Now do it" I shouted at her finally as I heard her recite it down the radio.

"Affirmed" The person on the other end said, and I hoped they did it as quickly as possible, which would work in the favour of Steve and I.

I looked out the window once again, so did Steve, both of us finally seeing a figure walking away, our brains snapping into gear. "Tell him I'm in pursuit" Steve said as he grabbed his shield, smashing and diving straight through the window.

"Of course you are"


A/N: So this is a quite short one so I will double update today.
Fury is gone, and it's going to affect Alyona due to the fact she has known him for so long. I know I mention a lot that she was told to suppress her feelings a lot but she's changed since the Red Room days

 I know I mention a lot that she was told to suppress her feelings a lot but she's changed since the Red Room days

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