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"Easy" Nat said to me as she held me by the arm, one arm in my armpit as she heaved me up, my legs shaking as I pushed myself off of the bed

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"Easy" Nat said to me as she held me by the arm, one arm in my armpit as she heaved me up, my legs shaking as I pushed myself off of the bed. "Okay" she told herself again. lowering me into the wheelchair that was by my bed, the wheels on lock as I sat in it, Nat kneeling down and lifting my feet onto the rests, taking the brakes off of all of the wheels, taking her place behind me.

My bag of saline was hoisted up on the pole, the needles inserted into my forearm which connected to the the bag with a long tube. I was still not allowed to talk, nor was I allowed to eat anything, my food having to be liquidated and inserted through a tube that ran through my nose.

"Right" she said to me one more time, even though she was just talking to herself. I had been awake for just over a week now, but Steve still hadn't shown any signs of waking up. Clint was staying with Lila at my apartment, as it was one of the apartments I actually owned myself. He told me it had been turned upside down, which I was expecting, HYDRA having stripped and searched it. He had tried to make it as clean as possible, trying to make it the same as it was before but I know they must have taken some stuff from my apartment but it doesn't seem to matter anymore.

Natasha stood behind me, pushing my wheelchair to the door, pushing me into the hall as she smiled at a nurse who moved out of the way with a smile at both of us. Nat pushed me down the linoleum floor down the hall, the door open to Steve's room, his body lying in the bed as wires and tubes were coming out of him and connecting to everything surrounding him. Sam sat by his bed, standing up as we got into the room, moving his chair so my wheelchair could fit next to the bed.

Steve's face was relaxed, multiple bruises and healed scars all over his face, his entire jaw black and blue. I smiled sadly at him, taking his hand in mines and leaning forward, setting my elbows on the bed as I wrapped my hands around his, setting my hands on my cheek. "We are going to go down to grab some coffee, we'll be back soon" Nat told me as her and Sam left the room, clicking the door shut behind them.

I closed my eyes, which were sting with tears, my eyes watering before I could even stop myself. I let out a sob, my shoulders shaking as I moved the back of Steve's hand to my mouth, kissing his hand gently before setting my hands back on the bad, still holding his in mines as I bowed my head, letting out a sob as tears ran down my cheeks, falling off of my chin and hitting the bed.

I clenched my jaw, trying to stop myself from crying anymore, this probably being the first time I've cried in a long time. The lack of one of my best friends being by my bed side as I healed was starting to take a toll on me, especially because I couldn't sit at Steve's bed side either. I have no idea what happened after I passed out, so I have no idea what actually happened to Steve, but the doctor said he should wake up, hopefully sooner than later.

And as I sat holding Steve's hand as the monitors beeping around him to let everyone know he was still alive, I started forming a plan in my mind to try and find Bucky.

Because I had to find him before he could do anymore harm.


A/N: I literally hate this chapter so it's okay if you do too.
I had no idea what to write so I just kinda strung together a few words, and will probably come back to change it but oh well, I had to get a chapter out for today.
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