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"Here" Steve said as he held his arms out to me as I sat on top of a wall leading into a backyard

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"Here" Steve said as he held his arms out to me as I sat on top of a wall leading into a backyard. He set his hands on my waist as I jumped down, Steve lowering me to the ground gently. "Thanks" I said to him, wiping my hands off of each other as we walked to the back patio door, both of us still shocked and in silence.

Steve knocked on the door as we stood there waiting for an answer. "Hey, man" Sam said as he opened the door, looking at the state of us, dust and dirt covering us and the glum looks on our faces wasn't a good look. "I'm sorry about this, but everyone we know is trying to kill us" Steve said to him, causing me to pipe in.

"We need a place to lay low" I added, Sam looking at me with a sympathetic look on his face. "Not everyone" He said, opening the door wider as we made our way inside of his kitchen, a table sitting next to the door, his house perfectly clean.

"What happened?" He asked us, closing the door and locking it, pulling the curtain over it just in case. "Can I use your phone?" I asked him, not answering his question. "Yeah, sure" he said, walking over to the counter and handing me his cell, which I looked at, typing in the familiar number and walking into the living room, letting Steve explain what has happened to Sam.

"Hello?" Natasha's voice said back to me, causing me to smile softly. "Hey, It's Al" I told her, knowing she normally would never answer a call without caller ID. "We need you" I said to her before she could even say anything to me, needing to make it clear she had to get here right now.

"Okay, I'll come right away"


I sat on a bed, a black vest on and a towel in my hands, rubbing at my now wet hair. I just got out of the shower, Steve getting ready to go in after me, walking into the room with his fresh towel in his hand. "You okay?" Steve asked me, taking a seat next to me, in a similar white wife beater on.

"You want to tell me what's going on up there?" Steve asked me with a smirk, motioning to my head. I sighed, which wiped the smile off of his face as I made eye contact with him once again. "When I first joined SHIELD, I thought I was going straight. But I guess I never left HYDRA" I started, picking at fluff on the towel.

"I thought I knew whose lies I was telling, but I guess I can't tell the difference anymore" I said to him, lowering my head once again and biting on my bottom lip. "There's a chance you might be in the wrong business" Steve said to me, his smirk returning to his face.

"Shut up" I replied with a small smile, looking up at him and returning his glee. "You know that I would do anything to save your life, right?" Steve said to me, causing me to laugh lightly. "Yeah of course" I replied nodding my head. "When i came out of the ice it took me a while to adjust, but I think it took me longest to adjust to you" He told me, causing my smile to falter lightly.

"I understand that, it wasn't the easiest thing to get by" I replied, using my towel to dry the ends of my hair once again. "And earlier today when Zola said HYDRA was still alive, there was a split second that thought you knew about it the whole time" He said, which made me stop my hands, disappointed that he would still think that of me.

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