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It has been a week since we moved here. Im starting school today and I don't have any friends. Great.

After taking a quick shower, I put my outfit on which was a pair of skinny jeans and a cream coloured sweater with my combat boots. I put on some mascara and lip balm, then went downstairs to grab some breakfast.

It was already October, so everyone already knew each other and I'm most probably the only new kid which sucks because I've never experienced being the new kid.

I said goodbye to my mom then walked to school which was literally five minutes away.

I walked into the office to get my schedule and a map.

I thanked the secretary and went to go find my locker. Being the clumsy person I am, I managed to bump into someone and fall.

"I am so sorry!" The stranger said giving me his hand. I grabbed it as he pulled me up.

"No, it was my fault I wasn't looking where I was going." I said. Damn, he's attractive.

"Are you new here?" He asked.

I nodded.

"I'm Shawn. I was actually on my way to tour you around." He smiled.

"Av-- Adelaine, call me Addie." Almost blew my cover.

"That's a really pretty name." I blushed.

"Excuse me," I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see a complete slut.

"Me?" Idiot of course she was speaking to me.

"Yes you. Mind not flirting with my boyfriend?" She sneered.

"I wasn't. He was just showing me around. Im Adelaine by the way." I smiled.

She just rolled her eyes. "Yeah, whatever. When you're done with this tour, just stay away. Okay? Okay."

"Oh I get it. You did that TFIOS thing, that was clever." I said.

"Ugh!" The slut rolled her eyes and left.

"Sorry about her. Brianna isn't usually like that, she's just... Protective." Shawn smiled weakly.

"It's fine. I think you two are cute together." I smiled and looked back at Brianna who flipped me off.

"Thanks. Anyways, what's your locker number?" Shawn asked.

"Uh, 321." I replied.

"Locker buddies! I'm right next to you!" He said grabbing my hand and dragging me to his locker.

"So what's your first period?" Shawn asked looking at my schedule.

"English." I replied.

"That's what I have too. We have 4 classes together." He said handing me back my schedule.

"Yeah." I said.

"So where'd you come from?" He asked.

"Um.. San Francisco." I lied. Since I'm doing an American accent, might as well pretend to have lived there.

"Cool!" He exclaimed. "We're here!"

"Thanks!" I said walking into the class.

"Ah you must be our new student," A man said.

"Yes." I nodded shyly.

"Do you wanna introduce yourself?"

"Oh yeah. Hello I'm Adelaine." I said in front of the class.

"Welcome. You can take a seat next to Cameron over there. Cameron, raise your hand." he said pointing to the desk next to a gorgeous boy with brown hair styled into a quiff.

I took a seat next to Cameron. He smiled at me and I smiled back. After the lesson, he caught up to me in the hall.

"Hey, I'm Cameron feel free to call me Cam." He said.

"I'm Adelaine, call me Addie." I shook his hand.

"Well, Addie it's a pleasure to meet you." He winked.

"Nice to meet you too, Cam." I smiled.

My Everything~Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now