Festival (Daryl)

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It echoes through the kingdom as people from different communities converse and laugh

Its been so long since ive seen everyone, 6 years to be exact, and after everything, after Rick and Jesus, i never would have imagined any of this

But here we are, cheery music softly playing around the area jerry had deemed the dance floor, him and his wife twirling and dancing like fools as a few people joined here and there, the sight bringing a smile to my lips

As i sit at one of the tables farthest from the rest, under the shade of an oak tree, i turn my head to glance one again at the man leaning against the tree farthest from the festival, his face covered slightly by his brown hair but still being able to make out the pair of shining blue eyes that make my heart sink everytime

He notices me as his eyes meet mine, i feel an uncomfortable warmth make its way onto my cheeks but i cant turn away

Only when a voice snaps me from my thoughts do i find myself able to move again, turning to look at Eugene who's face holds a light expression he seems to have allot these days

"Hello y/n" He greets me in his usual formal tone

"Whats up gene?" I say as i sit up straighter, no idea why but everytime im around him i feel like this werid need to look more professional

"Seeing as you and i are alone, and taking into account that you look as bored as a muskellunge in the desert, i was wondering if you wouldnt mind joining me on the dance floor to get our boogie on" He says casually, i roll my eyes and smile, standing up and grabbing his arm

I don't think ive seen him be this upbeat and carless in years, hes been slumped over Rosita for the longest time when she and Gabriel got together, more so when he overheard that she was pregnant with Siddiqs baby, so it was nice to watch him dance around, smiling like a loon

"Hell yeah y/n!" Jerry exclaims as he dances around me and Eugene, i cant help but laugh as we dance as a small group, soon jerry pulling in Ezekiel who pulled in Carol who pulled in lydia and Henry and soon half of the people were enjoying the dance floor

After a while my feet stung and area getting a bit crowded i managed to pull away, laughing as i did so, walking back toward the chair i was in. I guess i had underestimated the amount of time i spent out there cause the sun was starting to dim, the lights Ezekiel had strung around the trees, and where he could manage to reach, illuminating the tables and kingdom in a soft yellow light

I sigh and lean my back against a tree, watching as people laugh loudly and move around to the music, the atmosphere engulfing me in a hug of love and happiness

"Hey" a husky voice sounds from next to me, the sound of feet shuffling slightly against the leaves that littered the floor

"Hey" i responds, watching as Daryl made his way toward me, hands in his pockets as he stands next to me, blue eyes watching the crowd with an unreadable expression

"Youre not dancing?" He asks, more of an observation than a question, i shrug "Nah, Wanted to take a quick break"

"And you? Why arent you out there?" Now he shrugged "Not much of a dancer" i roll my eyes and look back toward the crowd that was slowly dispersing, the music changing from its once loud and cheery tone to a softer, more romantic setting

"Come on" i say boldly as i push myself off the tree, grabbing his arm softly "What?" He says, his eyebrow raisisng slightly

"Come dance with me" i smile, tugging at his arm as a way to convince him, he slowly gives in, allowing me to pull him onto the small platform

"I dont know about this" he says awkwardly, looking around at some of the people who turned their attention to us, i use my finger to direct his face back to me, his gorgeous blue eyes staring into my y/e/c ones, the lights reflecting off them slightly making them seem to shine

"Just pay attention to me" i smile as i grab his stiff arms and guide his hands to my waist, wrapping my arms around his next sofly, fearing i might spook him if i made any sudden moves

"When you say nothing at all" by Allison Krauss playing softly as her sweet tone allows the world around us to seemingly fade away, i move slowly, taking small steps, allowing Daryl to get comfortable enough, his eyes never leaving mine as i smile, enjoying this moment i wasnt sure was ever going to happen again, his body growing less and less tense with every sway

The smile on your face lets me know that you need me 
There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me 
A touch of your hand says you'll catch me if ever I fall...

I feel his large hands subtly pull me closer, my hands lacing around his neck as i allow my head to rest against his chest, heartbeat hammering against his broad chest as if ready to expolde, this one thing making the biggest smile spread across my face

He suddenly steps on my shoe, a small grunt leaving his lips above me as i bring my head up to look at him again, a shy expression crossing his face

"Sorry, not much of a dancer" he says, repeating his earlier statement, i smile softly as i pull my bottom lip between my teeth

"Nonesense Daryl,"

"You're a natural"

I honestly love this one so much

Btw its so hard for me to write any kind dialogue for Eugene cause he ha such a unigue way of speaking, i tried :)

And a Muskllunge is a fish in virginia

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