Actions (Daryl)

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The drive from the store was quiet,the engine humming softly as we make our way back to the prison, keeping my eyes fixated on the window as the events from not so much as 4 minutes ago played on repeat in my mind

Zach was dead, i watch as the diseased creature sunk its decaying teeth into the young boys neck, his blood spurting from the bite and Daryl pulling me hurriedly as the helicopter crashed down onto the two

I looked down at my hand and examined the blood that painted it, not knowing if it was mine or his, and not caring to know

Its events like these that really show- show that our lives aren't promised anymore, that every minute of everyday could quite possibly be our last, leaving us to regret all the unsaid things and brushed off actions or impulses to haunt us in the next life

He didn't even get to say goodbye...

The car slowed to a stop as Rick pulled open the gate,allowing us to pull farther into our home, the sound of the gate rattling as he pulls it shut once again. As soon as the car stopped, everyone jumped out, Daryl quietly talking to Rick as i stay seated,  the door open as i look out toward the pile of walkers banging their rotten hands against the far end of the fence, lost in the endless cascade of my thoughts

"Hey" Daryl greeted me in his usual low tone, standing near the door as i look up, allowing my eyes to scan his dirty face

"You good?" he asks, i nod slowly

"He was a good ki-" he begins to say

I grab hold of his vest and pull myself forward, slamming my lips onto his in an instant, catching myself off guard but not stopping

He stands there seemingly startled, his hand gripping the door as he allows everything to process in his mind as his lips stay frozen

Jesus what are you doing?

I release my hold and pull from him slowly, as if realising what im doing, i look into his blue eyes and allow a soft laugh to pull from my throat, maybe it was a subconscious way of my attempting to make this whole situation less awkward

"I'll uh see you later, crossbow" i say quickly before walking past him toward the direction of the prison, trying to make myself feel like less of an idiot by defending my actions, we only have so long on this diseased planet, im not about to hide my feelings for use idiotic reason to justify my emotions or how i act on them

Youve got reallllyyy shitty timing,     Y/n

Gonna make this a two part-er

Quick question, do you guys want more like cute lovey stuff between whatever character? Or is it chill what im doing now? Let me know💕

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