Carl Grimes

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"It wasn't suppose to be like this, y/n" He whispers weakly, his beautiful blue eye glassy as he looks up into your tear stained gaze

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"It wasn't suppose to be like this, y/n" He whispers weakly, his beautiful blue eye glassy as he looks up into your tear stained gaze

"It doesn't have to be" you whisper back "Let me go with you" you offer, grabbing onto his hand desperately, wanting to feel his skin while he's alive; soaking in the life that's leaving his burning body

"Wh- what are you saying?" he asks as his eyebrows pull together in confusion, watching as your as eyes fill with new hope

"You don't have to do this alone, Carl, we can - we can do this together, go together" i whisper quickly, looking back to make sure Michonne and Rick didn't step in before looking back into his sad eyes


"Please, i-i cant live here without you, im going to die out here eventually, why not save everyone the trouble and go now. Beside you, the way it was suppose to be" I desperately whisper to him, he looks away as tears slide down his pale cheeks, he slowly reaches his hand up to cup your cheek, you turn your head into his warm palm and allow your sobs to mingle with his

You move and lay down next to him, pulling your gun from its holster and using your free hand to grasp his sweaty one

"I love you, y/n. So,so ,much, with all my heart" He whispers as he turns his head to look you

You smile softly and place a final kiss on your lovers lips "I love you too, more than words can express" You say as you pull apart, clenching his hand in yours as you raise your gun to your temple, he copies your movements with sorrowful eyes

"Goodnight, Romeo" you say softly as a tear falls from you eyes

"Goodnight, juliet" he reply's, scooting closer to rest his head against yours

"One" i whisper
"Two" he whispers back


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