Actions (Pt.2~Daryl)

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Sleep wasn't a luxury i was allowed to enjoy most nights, its like my mind was willing but my body wasn't, never seeming to find that sweet spot on my mattress or position

So most nights i chose to take watch and sleep during the majority of the day, unless by some strange miracle i was blessed with the privledge of sleep, but that was near never

Usually when i went up i was accompanied by Maggie, i liked being up there with her, she was always had some funny remark or way to make our usual tense conversation into something light

So here i am, stepping from the secure warmth of the prison out to the cool atmosphere that usually fell during the late hours of the night, wrapping my arms around myself as i walk over to where the watch platform stood, the sound of my boots crunching against the dirt as i reach the ladder

Slowly pulling myself up the metal steps, praying it isn't the man i dreaded seeing right now or Glenn and Maggie, every since my little 'walking in on them having sex' incident I've been cautious about secluded areas

Its been two full days since my unwelcomed kiss and Daryl has been avoiding me like an infection,which hurt im not gonna lie but i couldn't help the small fire that seemed to have sparked in my heart. I mean i know Daryl, how he is and acts, but he's a grown man, wish he could think like one sometimes even though i adore the man i just wish he didn't act like a teen going experiencing puberty for the first time

I finally reach the top and place my hand on the cold handle, letting out a breath as i think of what i would say if i saw the rugged man in there, i turn the knob and push the door open, walking to the small ladder that led to the top of the tower, climbing up slowly before popping my head into the small space to see who was in there

There he was, sitting with one foot resting against the wall and other keeping himself steady on the floor as he looks down at me, his face shadowed by the dim light the moon provided. Almost in an instant the atmosphere shifted to a notable awkwardness that seemed to suffocate me as i pulled myself into the small room

"Hey" i say awkwardly,making my way toward the large window opposite of him, he nods his head and lets out a raspy welcome before the room is restored to its awkward state

"How was your day?" i ask in an attempt to lighten the atmosphere, which didnt help, he turns his head to me and after two heartbeats he shrugs "The same as the rest" he responds

I nod and stare out the window, catching my relfection as i allow my eyes to focus in on it. 'you know you can't avoid this forever, right?" the rational side of mt brain comments,i roll my eyes

'Since when did I get so awkward? Come on y/n just talk about it, things arent gonna themselves'

"Alright so..." i start, my voice gaining volume as a way of getting Daryls attention, which it did "I know youve been avoiding me" i say

"Nah" Daryls denies as he looks back out the window, i chew the inside of my cheek "Can we just cut the shit? Yeah, Daryl, i kissed you and you've been treating me like i skinned your dog in front of you" I continue, standing and walking closer to the Dixon "And i know i over stepped, but im not gonna apologise for what I did cause i did it for a reason, but its obvious you don't - share those feelings or whatever so you dont have to 'let me down easy' cause you kinda already did, well not really easy but its understandable, kinda a dick move on your end not gonna lie but thats besides the point" i ramble on like an idiot and he just watches me with an unexplainable expression, causing me to get more anxious

Theres that silence again

I let out a sigh before walking past him toward the door, i need to get my head screwed on right before i see him again, this was pathetic

Just as i go to pull the door i feel a hand grasp my arm cauing me to turn around and look into his eyes "Wait" he says quietly, his breath fanning over my face.

He was close, really close. I could make out every scar and bruise that lay on his soft face, his long lashes, the small mole on the side of his nose...the way his eyes reflected the light that slolwy spread across the sky as the sun started to rise

I hesitantly looked down at his thin lips then up into his eyes again, here we go again, i slowly bring my lips onto his, gently pressing the softly against his, when he didnt return the kiss i felt defeated, ready to pull away

Then it happened

He kissed me and the world fell away. It was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be. His hand rested below my ear, his thumb brushing my cheek as our breaths mingled. I ran my fingers down his spine, pulling him closer until there was no space left between them and I could feel the beating of his heart against my chest.

My heart hitting my chest so hard I thought it will break my ribs and rip apart my skin were the only thing I could think about was him, the way his body loosened, the way his hands felt against my skin, the feeling of pure happiness. When he pulls away, catching his breath, i open my eyes and allow my eyes to gaze into his, enjoying this feeling im not sure I'll expirience again

"You have no idea how long ive wanted that" i whisper

He smiled and in that moment i knew that it didnt matter what would happen or if anything will happen, all that mattered was what was happening right now

I smile and greedily press my lips against his once again


Hope you liked this

Annnndd if you are bored and just scrolling through wattpad for a decent walking dead related thingy if you could read my book ◇SALVATION◇ That would be reallyyy cool annnnnd yeah😁💕

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