Carl Grimes (Request)

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It was so surreal

One second we were walking through the horde of walkers to saftey and the next Ron is being impailed by Michonnes katana and a gun shot rings through the crowded town

Then Carl shakily calls for his father, turning to see the boy i love with a hole where his gorgeous blue eye once was before his body falls limply to the ground

I swear my heart broke when i saw that

I remeber sitting next to him in the small bed after Rick ran to Denises, brushing strands of his soft dark hair from his face as i attempt to control my thoughts, whispering soft words to him, reminding him im here

When he woke up i swear i was the happiest girl in the world but ever since that day things have been different

He's been more closed off lately, usually we would walk around or hang out near our tree in the field but now when we hang out its usually at his house, which isnt like Carl at all

He would tell me everything was okay, that he just didnt feel like going outside, which was fine but it wasnt just that he didnt want to explore the place we've grown so familiar with, but it was how he was with me, he was a little more stand off ish and awkward,like we didnt spend most of our lives together, we use to hang out everyday and most nights but now all i had was a few hours with a boy who i had grown use to being with so much his father would have to ask me to leave

Now here i am, standing on the porch of Rick and Michoones home with a container of cookies, oh yeah Michonne and Rick are together, crazy huh? I mean i cant say i didnt see it coming but still...damn

The door opens with a small sqeak before watching as Rick greets me warmly with a smile

"Hey Hannah" He says before stepping aside to let me in, instantly being hit with cold air while the smell of something filling the atmosphere

"Mmm making dinner?" i ask as i take off my shoes, walking toward the kitchen to see Michonne humming to Judith and her giggling in response

"Yeah, found some spaghetti in the pantry" He responds as he walks over to where i stood near the entrance of the room, Michonne turns and smiles at me and i wave in response before turning to Rick

"Is Carl up?" I ask as i clench the small container in my hands, watching as he nods and motions his head toward the stairs

"Been in his room all day" He answers, obviously bothered by that but chooses not to go on, i nod and give him a soft smile "Ill see you in a bit, set a bowl for me, i want some" i say as i wall up to the stairs

"Sure thing, boss" He remarks before disappearing into the kitchen, i smile at the nickname before walking up the stairs and to the door at the end of the hall,  placing my hand on the slightly cracked door and pushing it open

"Hannah!" Carl exclaims as he hurriedly presses his make shift eye patch against his right eye, i close the door quickly

"Sorry, shouldve knocked" I say awkwardly, as i stand near the door

"Yeah" he replies half heartedly before returning his attention back to the mirror, hands clumsily gripping at the gauze holding the patch in place as he tries to tie it

"Here, let me help" i say quickly before placing the cookies on the bed and walking over to him

"I got it" He says quietly as his nose scrunches in concentration, i go behind him

"Doesnt look like it, c'mon Car-"

"I said i got it." he replies sternly, voice lacing in annoyance causing me to stop my attempt and watch as he finally ties it sloppily, hair slightly covering the small knot

Silence washes over the room as i watch him in the mirror, his eye cast down causing a bubble of insecurity to twist in my stomach, does he not want me here?

"I uh brought you these" I say, breaking the silence and grabbing the container, bringing it to the small desk, watching as his gaze follow me before finally meeting mine

"Thanks. You should go, I'm feeling tired" he says before standing up, slightly towering over me, his face holding no expression as he tells me the thing i was scared to hear

"Are you su-"

"Yeah" He cuts me off and walks toward the bed, falling onto it and lifting his arm to cover his face, i hated this. This wasn't him, wasnt us, he's never once pushed me away or acted like this toward me and for whatever reason, it kinda pissed me off

I walk to the door and place my hand on the knob, allowing this anger and annoyance warm my body before turning to face the boy on the bed

"Whats up with you?" i ask, watching as he lifts his arm to look at me


"What's up? And don't say nothing cause we both know that's bullshit, you've been such a jerk to me lately and i have no clue why, what exactly did i do to you, seriously, i wanna know cause last i checked i wasn't the one who shot you in the eye" i say annoyed, attempting to keep my voice low as to not alert Rick and Michonne down stairs

"Cant you just understand that i want to be alone right now? Im sorry im not dancing around like a monkey for your entertainment, Hannah, im not some freak here for your amusement so just go" he says sitting up as anger seeps into his words

"And i didnt say you were. Talk to me, Carl, i want to help, you've never acted like this before and honestly, its kinda freaking me out, you're not acting like you" I say quickly, nervousness and annoyance mixing into my voice causing my words to come out rushed

He sighs and stands up "Im not me anymore, Hannah. How can i be? Look at me!" he says loudly as he gestures to himself, standing with his arms at his sides at the other side of the room


He reaches his hands behind his head and pulls at the sloppily tied bandage causing the cover to fall uselessly into his hand, looking at me with his one good eye as his hair falls to cover the wound

"Do i look like me?" He asks quietly, more to himself then to me, moving the hair from his face only for a second before it falls back

"Carl" I say softly as i walk to him, his eyes trained to the floor, placing my finger under his chin to look at me, he looked me with with a pained expression before shaking his head slightly and rubbing the clean side of the patch with his thumb

"It doesn't matter how you look, You know that.Just cause you're missing a body part doesn't mean your any less you than you've ever been. I love you, Carl, missing eye and all" I say with a smile as i cup his face, moving his hair away and looking into his soft blue gaze, sliding my thumb against the underside of the wound, him flinching at the contact but not pushing me away

He bends slightly and presses his soft lips against mine gently, He kissed me and i swear the world fell away. It was slow and soft, comforting in the ways i never knew possible, his lips pressing against mine as if it were the last time he'd have them, i place my hand on his chest and allow him to rest his hand in my hip, a smile forming onto my lips before pulling away and looking up at the boy i loved with every breath in my body

"I love you too" He says softly as soft breaths fan over my face as he attempts to steady his breathing, i smile and watch as his single blue eye brightens in joy, he sighs and sits on the bed, hands clasping onto mine as he pulls me with him

Pulling me to his side as his head rests against the bed post, mine laying comfortably against his shoulder as he wraps his arms around my waist as he whispers sweet words against my hair, warming my heart at the sound of his voice and beat of his heart against his chest

"I cant believe im dating a pirate" I joke, looking up at him as he playfully scoffs and rolls his eyes, pinching my side softly

"To soon?" i ask with a smile that he returns before attacking me with kisses, our mingled laughter filling the room as all the pain and insecurity that once lingered in our hearts faded away

This one was a request from a girl who, for whatever reason, thought i was good enough to write this for her 😂 Really hope you like it✌


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