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"Hey" you call out,walking to the bench that looked out to the lawn of overgrown grass and god only knows what else

"Hey" he responds, watching you as you walk to where he sat, a red rag in his hand gliding over his crossbow as he scrubs away the dirt and mud that clung to it

You gesture your hand to the empty seat, lifting an eyebrow to ask if you could sit, he looks back up at you and nods "Go ahead" he says before going back to what he was doing

You dust the seat and sit "Having fun?" You ask, watching as he picks at a stubborn clump of mud with his fingernail, he snorts and nods

"Hows Oceanside?" He asks, you smile and turn to look at him ,his semi clean face scrunched in either concentration or anticipation for what you were going to say

You've been spending allot of time at Oceanside, mostly to help with the food, hunting, fishing, or whatever they needed since most of the help left when that tree crushed Hilltops wall and usually that wouldn't be a big deal, that is, until you and Daryl started a sort of romantic thing, now Ocean sides been a fairly common topic in your conversations

More so since Luke, who is as much in the dark about our relationship as everyone else, has been making sly jokes about you and some guy Darren at Hilltop

"Good, Eugene gave us some good advice on how to make new traps so we don't have to sit at the bay all day, brought back two crates" He nods and looks back down at his crossbow, not hearing what he had wanted

Looking down

You narrow your eyes and look down to your hands, picking at a hang nail "Hows Connie?" As soon as you ask his hands stop working for a moment, not looking up to appear casual before going back to work and shrugging in response

"Dont know, why?" you shrug and lean back "Judging by how much time you've been spending at Hilltop kinda just assumed you two were hanging out, seeing as you two were pretty close last time I saw" He looks back at you with his usual harsh expression, you lift an eyebrow as if to challenge him and he nodded,looking out toward the lawn and leaning back as well, resting his crossbow on his lap

"Hows Darren?" You raise your eyebrows and laugh, looking at him with an amused really? Look but his face showed no sign of amusement "Good, yeah he's been a real help back at Oceanside, really smart kid, knows what he's doing" you say

"Oh yeah?" He asks, not really sounding that interested in your compliments but  you nod "Yeah, great cook too, prepares the best hog stew I've ever eaten" you smile  and look over at him

He scoffs and picks at the left over mud on his crossbow "To bad he can't hunt for shit" You narrow your eyes at his tone and laugh

"What's so funny?" He asks, you shake your head and place your hand on his "You" he scoffs again and looks around, the chilly weather and lack of activites kept most people inside and the decrease of sun light helped drive people into their homes

"You know you're cute when your jealous" you tease, he looks down at you and leans slightly to place a soft kiss on your lips

"I'm cute all the time" he responded with a small cocky grin before kissing back softly

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