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"I still think about it...him...ive never really lost someone like him before. That man was like a father to me, he was more than ive ever deserved and never for once in his life made me feel inferior or useless. He belived in me, in all of us, he saw things in us that we didnt know we had. That man was a fighter, a real leader, he called us his family and never faltered on that and always put us first before anything else...even in- In his last moments...he did what he had to do in order to protect us, everything we had build...We lost a goodman today, but at least he's reunited with his son and all the family weve lost along the way, watching and protecting us and warming our hearts with the memories he left and the endless love he shared. Hes probably looking down and smilimg at me right now, sheding tears i claimed to never have, but these tears arnt for you grimes...its for your beard, gonna miss youre messy little  pube face. I love you with all that i have, brother. Rest in piece, officer friendly. " I finish, wiping the new tears that fell from my eyes and i look down at the empty grave next to his deceased son's, placing a pair of silver handcuffs ontop of the first time we met, when he handcuffed Merle to the pipe in Atlanta, smiling at the memory as i fold the picture of him at the prison into my pocket

"Let me take a picture of you"

"No y/n"

"Oh come on Rick-a-roo, i want evidenve that you were a caveman when Judith was born" i joke

He rolls his soft blue eyes "Fine, hurry up" he says with a smile as i let out an excited squeal, getting closer to his face "say cheeeese"

"Cheeese" he says unenthusiastically, i roll my eyes and take the picture, rick grimacing as the flash blinds him for a second before the image comes out, pulling it and shaking it before smiling down

"Let me see...that camera must be broken, i look old"

"Huh, Id say its working just fine" i laugh and he rolls his eyes with a large smike lighting up his face

I feel the new tears fall as i realise ive been stood here for to long, i stand and clench the old picture, the memory playing in my head like it was just yesterday

How fast the time goes

So yeah i made this

I was over thinking it when i was typing it and i cried but thats beside the point

Hope you liked it

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