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"I'm sure you're going to feel right at home here"

Rick's words broke you from your thoughts, turning to face him you offer a small smile before turning your attention back to the bustling community

He had found you a week back, camping in the woods, living off of whatever animal you could get your hands on. You were resistant, his talk of "a better place" was nothing more than a Pipe dream. Many people before offered you the same thing, only to become a prisoner to their sick games, those times costed you to much, you're life, your sanity, hell even a chunk of your left forearm

But the hunger was getting to you, the days were short and hot, the nights were cold and long. A person can only take so much. But today was nice, breezy, and the sun wasnt burning as hot as it was, so you figured today would be a good day to die, if it came down to it, of course.

He walked me to a large pale white home, a short woman stood outside with another man, she smiled at you

"That's Deanna, she runs the place" He said as we stopped on the side walk

"I thought you ran the place" you stated, glancing from her to Rick, who only replyed with a snort

"I'm gonna go talk to her about putting you up in a house, you wanna go or stay here?" He asked, changing the subject as he slowly walked backwards from you

You glanced back at the woman before lifting your hand as if to shoo him away

"I'll watch the streets while youre away, officer"

He chuckled and turned around, Rick was enough socializing you were willing to do for the day.

He walked away, meetingDeanna on the porch, it was funny, his demeanor seemed to change when he approached her,his face wasnt as friendly as it was with you, more professional

You looked away, feeling creepy for watching them talk, looking out at the row of homes and clean, perfectly cut grass, watching the people walk around the streets enjoying their safety

"If only they knew how close they come to dying everyday" you thought

Shouting from the wooden guard posts called your attention to the large gates, the man ontop yelling for the woman at the bottom to pull the gate open for whoever, a faint sound of an engine rumbling as it waited for the gate

It was a man

He has a bandanna wrapped around his mouth and nose, his hands clutched on the steering of this shitty copper motorcycle, at least it looked shitty. He parked the bike and jumped off, a sling of what looked like squirrels and maybe a raccoon was slung from his chest and handed over to some other guy before he lowered the bandanna from his face

He looked older, maybe a a few years older than you,his face was dirty much like his clothes and his hair was long and coated with mud and grease

He talked to the woman near the gate and she pointed at where you stood

His head moved toward you, but you looked away, looking back toward Deanna and Rick who weren't standing on the porch anymore

You glanced back only to see the man walking toward you, you started to panick slightly, confused on where to look since you knew he saw you look at him, instead you decided to walk toward the house, hoping to find Rick,feeling safer inside than out there

"Hey" he hollard, he was closer, you turned slowly, watching as he passed the side walk and stopped when he was maybe two armlemgyhs away

"Who are you?" He asked, his voice matched his face, it was rough, husky but a hint of an accent,much like Rick's

You didnt answer, only glanced back toward the house, silently willing Rick to hurry up

"You deaf, girl?" He asked, you snapped back at him

"Who the hell are you?" you responded, keeping your voice calm

You could sense the intimidation radiating off his body, like a cologne of masculinity, you weren't gonna be treated like some biter, you had as much a place here as he did

"I asked you first, lady" he replyed, his hand resting on the strap across his chest

You smirk and cross your arms "Trust me honey, you dont want to know"

"Daryl!" Rick called from the house, you turned to rick who walked down the porch steps and slightly jogged over to you two

"I see you've met y/n" he said "Shes Alexanderias newest resident" he patted your shoulder with a friendly smile, you lifted your eyebrow at the man with a smug smirk

"Yeah, a real delight" he replyed sarcastically, Rick chuckled

"Ain't she? I was about to show her to her home but after we should talk" Rick said to Daryl, who nodded and hummed a response

"No need, I'm sure I can find it myself" you said

"You sure? It wouldnt be any trouble"

"I'm sure" you said back, he placed the copper key in your hand, you could feel Daryls eyes watching you two

"Take a left down maple and then its 4 house down on the right. If you get lost just walk back here" He directed

"Ain't that hard to read street signs and count" Daryl said, you narrowed your eyes slightly at the audacity of this asshole

"Isnt that hard to find a hog out in those woods either, but I get it, can't expected a worm to do the job of a lion. Thanks for everything, Rick" you retort before walking away down the street, Rick chuckled and slapped Daryls shoulder

You looked back before turning down maple, only to see Daryls blue eyes looking back at you

You smiled and walked down the street

Maybe it won't be that bad here

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