Drivers Ed. (Rosita)

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"You literally need to calm down right no, you're being so over dramatic" i comment as i place my hands on the wheel and put the car in reverse

"Im being cautious y/n, something you would no nothing about cause your a psychopath" Rosita replies as she pulls  her seatbelt tighter against her chest and holds onto the grip thing near the window

"Oh stop, whats the worse that can happen? I run into a pedestrian?" I joke with a smile as i turn to start reversing, starting of slolwy before placing my foot a bit to hard on the peddle, forcing our body's to the seats for a moment

"Youre gonna get us killed" she sighs as she watches me, i roll my eyes "Maybe instead of jinxing us you can instruct me how to not kill both us"

"Yeah whatever start turning, dont slam your foot against the peddle like an idiot, ease into it, put it into drive" She instructs, looking out thw window

I nod and follow her instructions as i slolwy start to turn from where the car was parked, the open window allowing some air to pull through the car, which i imagine is making Rosita feel a bit morr relaxed, unclipping her seatbelt to get and easing deer into the seat

We got onto the main road,some CD Rosita had put in humming softly as she rests her feet against the dashboard, a nice silence filled with white noise left us in a dream like comfort that i always seemed to find when i was with her

"Youre better then i though you'd be" she comments as she places her small hands behinde her head, glancing at me with a tinge of amusment causing a smile to grow on my lips before i turn back to the road

"You should put on your seatbelt" I sigh, the small hum from the car buzzing into my hands causing a small vibration to seemingly numb my palm

"Its fine"

"What if we crash or something?" I repsond, casuing her to lool over at me with her usual cool expression

"Oh well then" she responds before settling her head back in its previous position

I roll my eyes looking at Rosita for a moment, watching her face soften and body relax as she slowly taps her foot to the beat of the soft music sounding like background noise

I smile and look back at the road, looking extremely barren and walker free, i tighten my hands on the wheel and subtly increase speed, looking over to see if she had noticed

She didnt

Then i slam my foot against the break, the car lurching to a stop,casuing my body to press against the seatbelt, looking over to Rosita in time ti see her  slam her head against her elevated knee

I couldn't help the idiotic laugh that slipped past my lips as i watch her look up, rubbing her hand against her head

"What the hell was that for?!" She asks annoyed, casuing me to laugh harder and rest my head against the steering wheel before meeting her gaze

"Told you to put your seatbelt on" i reply simply as my laughter calms

"You couldve given me a concussion"

"Oh well then" i mock, attempting to sound like her cauing me to laugh again, leaning against the seat as i attempt to wipe her startled face from my brain

"Youre a phsycopath" she responds as she opens the door and walks over to the drivers seat, opening my door and standing waiting for me to get out

I did, standing eye level to her for a moment before walking over to the passanger, placing my hand on the handle before she sped forward slightly

"Ha. Ha" i say as i go to pull the door open again, only for her to do it again

Okay it was cute like the first two times but its getting annoying now

"Okay okay for real now, get in" she said sounding sincere

I sigh finally as i latch my hand onto the handle before she does it again, a juvenile laugh leaving her lips as i roll mt eyes and open the back seat door and ploping myself down

"Eres una idiota, Rosita, lo juro" i comment meaning youre an idiot, Rosita, i swear

She laughs "Oh, no seas tan bebé, al menos no te lastimé" she responds back oh dont be such a baby, at least i didnt hurt you

I couldn't help but smile as i look out the window

"Todavia un gilipollas" i joke

Still an asshole


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