Chapter I: I'm In Love With A Monster

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Lucius is the beginning of how Maia met Lucius after her abusive adoptive parents left her at the Wagners' mansion for a year long cruise. However, after hearing that Maia fell in love with Lucius, they turned against it and they decided to never, ever let Maia see Lucius again. Maia decides to secretly kill her parents for all the abuse they gave her. But Maia learns that Lucius had done the same thing to his family to sacrifice them to his father.

           Oh, you're not old
        And you're not familiar
    Recently discovered and I'm
          Learning about you

Maia's P.O.V.

My name is Maia Baggins. My parents are so cruel to me! They get so drunk that they beat me up! Everyday, they could start drinking for eight hours and they get so drunk that they nearly beat me up to death! One day, they woke me up. "Up! Get up, now, you little brat! We have some news to share!" My mom screeched. "Up!" I rolled over to my back. "Are you up yet?!" Mom asked in a very angered voice. "Nearly." I say. "Well, get a move on. As soon as you get dressed, we are telling you some news." Great, now I'm probably getting a beating again. After I got dressed and after breakfast, my parents announced that they were going on a year long cruise and they are taking me to the Wagners' mansion. We drove to a large mansion. "Okay, we're here." My dad said. "You're going to meet the Wagners and their son, Lucius. You're going to stay there until we get back. Now go! Get outta here!" I did get out, and they drove away. "Bye, Mom and Dad." I say before going to the mansion's doorstep. I knocked on the door, which it opened, showing a happy couple I assumed were the Wagners. "Why, you must be Maia Baggins!" The woman said. "My name is Nancy Wagner." "And my name's Charles Wagner." The man said. "Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Wagner." I say shyly. "My family left for a year long cruise, so they dropped me off here until they came back." "Oh. Come on in and meet our son, Lucius!" They showed me around the mansion and there I saw a boy with black hair and brown eyes. I assumed the boy was Lucius.

Lucius' P.O.V.

I just saw a girl with silver-blue eyes and hair that was white as snow. She's so beautiful that I just want to ki-
"Lucius, meet Maia Baggins. She's going to be staying with us until her parents come back from their year long cruise." My mother said. Maia... Maia... Such a beautiful name for a sliver-blue-eyed snowy white-haired baby girl like her. She will be mine. She will be my angel of Heaven. She will be my bride. I will be hers. I will be her husband. I will be her devil of Hell. Going to my room to play with my toy cars, Maia follows me. "So, Lucius?" She asked. "How are you today?" I just stared at her and went back to playing with the toy cars. She looked at me again, looking very suspicious. "Did you hear what I said?" She asks in an annoyed tone. I stopped playing with the toy cars and started writing in my notebook. I showed it to her.

I did hear what you said and yes, I am good, thank you very much. I can speak, but I choose not to.

Maia looks at me with a very curious look on her face. "Don't you even like your voice?" I wrote again.

I have never said a word, so I do not know what my voice sounds like.

"How odd." Maia said. "I'd love to hear the sound of your voice."

Thank you, but I refuse to. Sorry, sweetheart.

She stared at me with her white cheeks blushing. "W-why did you call me th-that?"

Because I love you with all my demonic diseased black heart.

I came close to her and hugged her tightly.

I will hold you and love you. I promise that nothing bad will ever happen to you, Maia.

"Things like this can't be promised, Lucius. They just can't."

Yes, they can, Maia. Do you know why? Because I will protect you from any danger.

She tells me about her miserable life with the blonde-haired couple.

Maia, love, I am sorry this happened.

"Lucius, I love you!" She sobbed.

Shhhhhh. Calm down. Come here.

We hugged very tightly. I wipe her tears away with my thumbs.

Lucius And Maia: A Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now