Chapter XXIII: Lucius And Maia Vs. The Survivors Of Winter Hill

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Yeah, breakfast at Tiffany's and bottles of bubbles,
Girls with tattoos who like getting in trouble,
Lashes and diamonds, ATM machines,
Buy myself all of my favorite things

Maia's P.O.V.

That night, Lucius and I went inside the church because the fifth seal is gonna be melted if everyone left is sacrificed. We went to the church and there was Lt. William Kimble and the other civilians, staring at us. "We know what you are, son." Kimble said. "You didn't think I'd let you kill everyone without fighting back? The boy here is no ordinary boy, ladies and gentlemen. The boy is the son of the Devil!" Oh no! They know that my boyfriend's evil! "He may not look like much, but believe me, he is all evil." Kimble went on. "Together with Jack and his soulmate, Maia Baggins, they've been quietly killing people and performing a some sort of ritual at our backyard. I saw it all. At least seven bodies all desecrated with evil markings and made to look like the Four Horsemen and the Matrys Of God. He killed his own family and everyone who worked for them. This boy is not a human. This boy is not human! He is a demon and must be killed! Die, you demon seed!" He took out a pistol and started to shoot at us. The bullets didn't hit me or Lucius

Lucius' P.O.V.

"Hey! Don't shoot at us!" Maia yelled. "What the h*ll?!" Kimble asked as he ran out of bullets. I became angry and hellfire showed up on my hands. I walked closer and closer to the crowd. "What the h*ll?!" Kimble said again, this time in shock. He ducked for cover to reload his gun. "They can't get us all! Let's grab them!" One of the civilians said. "No!" Maia shouted. She got close behind me as I threw hellfire balls at people, burning them and killing them. Kimble had reloaded his gun and started shooting at us, but we missed. I implanted lava on the floor he was in and he burned to death. Maia giggled as my lips pressed hers, making a sweet passionate kiss. Jack came into the church. "The seal melted off, so I figured we're done here." He said. "Where is everyone? Something is definitely happening out there. I think the portal might be forming already. Do we really want your father to rule this place? Is that what we are really looking for? Making you do tests and killing his other children? I mean, what kind of a father is that? And what happens to me when he gets here? I'm a sinner, and as far as I know, we all three might end up as his prisoners. Don't you want to make your own rules? Don't you want to stop these tests and games and rule the place however you like? Maybe even wanna have a kind heart somewhere? You've done everything he's asked and you've got no rewards whatsoever. Without you, he would not be able to do anything by himself. I say we go and find the dagger. Even if you feel like this is not what you wanna do, it's still better to have the option to act in case something goes wrong." Before Jack could finish, Father grabbed his heart, killing him. "Lucifer?!" Maia asked in dismay. "I think we've had enough ideas from Mr. McGuffin, here, don't you agree my boy?" He asked. "You know, it was me who got them to take that road that night, ha ha ha. I bet you didn't know that there's a lockdoor to my kingdom. True, we are now opening something that will allow my fall dominion to ravage the Earth. But in the meantime, my trusty old route still does the job quiet well. Such a shame, really. You've done so well for so long and when as I was about to take you with me to rule the whole place, I find you here, conniving against me with your friend, the detective and your soulmate, Maia Baggins." He sighed and went on. "You leave me no choice but to punish you." He thought of it for a few seconds. "I'm grounding you for a week! And when that week is over, so shall be the Rapture. Sadly, I don't know what will happen to you both while the whole place burns down with the mortal souls of the sinners. And frankly, I'm so hurt that I might not even care." And with that being said, I fell asleep suddenly. "Lucius!" I heard Maia's voice faintly cry.

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