Chapter VIII: The Death Of The Abusive Parents

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This chapter takes place in Lucius II: The Prophecy, which takes place after the killings of the Wagners after Maia Baggins' abusive parents took her away from Lucius permanently. But Maia decides to kill her parents and be with Lucius again. Lucius breaks into her house after his escape from the same hospital where he was born in.

               Pain, without love
             Pain, I can't get enough
            Pain, I like it rough
         'Cause I'd rather feel pain
             At nothing at all

Maia's P.O.V.

Well, it's been six months since I'd last seen Lucius, and I am now seven. I think it's the time to kill my abusive parents. I had just got rat poison in the tea cups and mixed them in before the butler and my parents came. I put the poison in the butler's room. The parents shot nasty grins at me when they came in. The butler puts sugar in the poisoned tea cups and serves them in the table. My parents consumed the poison and then their heads fell onto the table. They were dead. The maid, Jose, saw this and she grabbed my skirt. She threw me into my room. I started crying. Also, I heard the Wagners' mansion burned down.

Lucius' P.O.V.

I saw that. That woman threw my beautiful angel into her room. I am so enraged that my eyes just turned red. I am now seven years old. I just escaped from the same hospital that I was born in and I am still wearing this bloody broken straight jacket and white pants. I have to find my suit. Maia's maid had just called the police and all they could find is rat poison in the tea and Maia's butler got arrested soon after. I am going to kill Maia's maid. The maid is already dusting the table. I saw a fan just above her. That is the time to decapitate her. Using my telekinesis, I made a fan break and it decapitated the maid, killing her. Now all I have to do now is to find Maia. I can hear her crying. I went to a room that I assumed it was her room. There was Maia on her bed, crying. I walked up and got on the bed. She laid down on her left and continued to cry, so I laid down on the bed. I scooted close to her right side, wrapped my arms around her, put my head on her cheek, wrapped my legs around hers, and kissed her cheek. This feels really good. My arms wrapped around her, my legs wrapped around hers, and my face on her cheek. Her cheeks look really good. They're so smooth, soft, and really pink. She stopped crying and turned her head around to face me.

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