Chapter VII: The Separation

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   I met before you turned six
      You killed your family, you
             Took their lives
                 Oh, why?
          You're evil, I felt it.

Lucius' P.O.V.

It's already been a year, and sadly, Maia's parents are coming to get her and continue to abuse her. Maia and I were about to kiss, but the door opened. "Hi, there, Maia." Maia's mother said. "Hi." Maia said. "Are you and Lucius kissing?" Maia's father asked. "Yes." She said. "You know what? That's it! We are discussing this to Lucius' parents!" Her father said angrily. He walked to Mother and Father and tells them that they've decided to never, ever let Maia see me again. "Let's go, you brat!" Maia's father said as he grabbed Maia's hand. They went to a car and they never came back. No! You don't ever take my love away from me! After I get through murdering my family, I will find you and kill your parents. Yes, my love, kill them! I am so enraged at them for this! You both will be punished for this! "I can't believe those terrible people took Maia away!" Mother said. "I can't believe it, either! They don't deserve to take care of her!" Father said.
"We are picking her up against their will some other time!"
"I know, Nancy. They beat her!"

Maia's P.O.V.

This is so unfair! They took me away and they don't want me to see Lucius ever again! I am so upset and infuriated! I can't see Lucius ever again and I'm already gonna get another beating from my bad parents! They beat me up so hard that I can't even walk for a few days! Help! Lucius! Please! Save me! Lucifer was right! I do need to kill them. And I am gonna kill them for all the abuse they gave me!

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