Chapter IX: Together Again

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I miss you, miss you so bad
I don't forget you
             Oh, it's so sad

Maia's P.OV.

I turned to my right to see a messy haired Lucius. His arms were wrapped around me, his legs were wrapped around mine, and his face was on my cheek. He wrote in his notebook:

Shhhh. I am here with you again, Maia.

I turned around and hugged him tightly. I silently cried into the crook of his neck as he caressed my back.

Baby, calm down. We must leave now before the police finds us.

We get out of the bed and left the house. I was happy and relieved to see that Lucius is alive, but he must have been in an asylum or something, because he was wearing white trousers and a bloody broken straight jacket. Lucius wrote in his notebook:

I need to fulfill the Prophecy.

"The what?" I ask.

The Prophecy. I must fulfill it before my brother, Isaac Gilmore does.

"Oh. I wish you good luck."

Lucius' P.O.V.

That night, we were taken by Detective McGuffin. We both got ready for bed. I laid in the bed, wearing nothing but a a black T-shirt and a pair of black boxers. Then, Maia came in the room, wearing nothing but a white T-shirt and a pair of white panties. She gets into the bed. Using my chest as a pillow, she caresses my collarbone. Taking the blanket off of us, I kissed her while doing push ups. Maia's cheeks look really good right now. They're so smooth, so soft, and really pink. I kissed her cheeks and caressed them. They really are so soft. Maia has pretty lips. They're so smooth and soft and warm. We kissed one more time, then drifted off to sleep.

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