Chapter XXVIII: Pregnancy

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                Something's getting in the way,
               Something's just about to break,
                    I will try to find my place,
                        In the diary of Maia,
                              So, tell me
                         How it should be?

Maia's P.O.V.

The past few hours, I had thrown up this morning, I was craving random foods, even the foods I don't like to eat, and my breasts have enlarged. Since Lucius and I made love last night, I think I might be pregnant. I went out and brought a pregnancy test. When I came home, I urinated on it. When I checked, it showed two lines. It was positive. I am pregnant.

Lucius' P.O.V.

Maia's been away from me lately. What's wrong with her? Is she upset or something? I came to her asked her. "I can't tell you, I'm nervous." She said. "Maia, you have to tell me." I say. She shows me a pregnancy test. I gasped. "Oh my dear gosh! Maia! We're having a baby!" "Yes, we are." She said disappointingly. "What's the matter?" I ask. "I was afraid you would divorce me." She said. "Um, I always wanted a baby, so we're making a family." I say. I touched her stomach and she was pregnant. She was bloated, but that's the sign of pregnancy.

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