Chapter XI: The Love Of A Demon

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                   Swallowed up by the sound
              Of my screaming cannot cease
                  For the fear of silent nights
                 Oh how I long for the deep
              Sleep dreaming the goddess
                  Of imaginary light

Maia's P.O.V.

This was so embarrassing. Lucius and I were making out until some guy barged in. Lucius killed him after. Lucius is still really warm. His arms were wrapped around me as my arms were the same, and my legs were wrapped around his waist. He pecked my lips and held me tighter, not wanting to let me go. My legs went tighter around his waist, and my face dug deeper into the crook of his neck. He is so beautiful with his arms wrapped around me to keep me warm.

Lucius' P.O.V.

Mmmmmm... Yes! Oh, God, yes! This feels really good. Her cheeks are once again so soft and smooth and really pink. Kissing her cheeks, I caressed her back and kissed her lips even deeper. We got up from the bed and got our clothes on. Maia went to the kitchen of the fridge and found some pizza. She cooked it and started eating it. She shared it with me. There was us, Maia and me, forever. We're snuggling with each other in a couch, watching TV and eating pizza together. I really wish she made spaghetti. If she made spaghetti, we would take forkfuls of it, give ourselves mouthfuls of it, and suck on the noodles, 'till our lips meet, creating a spaghetti kiss. Maia takes a slice of the pizza. "Wanna eat this with me?" I did and we munched away on that slice 'till our lips met. She really is my angel of Heaven. Once I fulfill the Prophecy and become Hell's new ruler, she will be my bride and my queen of Hell. But first, I have to deal with Isaac Gilmore.

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