Chapter XXIX: Childbirth

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                                 I'm dying,
                 Am I too lost to be saved?
                              Am I too lost?
                   My God! My tourniquet,
                    Return to me salvation,
                   My God! My tourniquet,
                       Return to me salvation

Maia's P.O.V.

Nine months had passed and it's now October. Lucius has turned twenty-three and my water just broke! I was screaming in pain and I was rushed to the hospital. In the patient room, in my patient bed, I was having too many contractions, so I had to push. I needed to. I pushed and pushed until I heard a baby crying.

Lucius' P.O.V.

"It's a boy!" The doctor said as the nurses cut our new son's umbilical cord, clean him, and wrap him in a blue blanket. They gave him to Maia, who was caressing his cheek. Maia started screaming again. I held my son as she screamed in pain. She pushed and pushed until another baby came. "It's a girl!" The doctor said as the nurses cut our new daughter's umbilical cord, clean her, and wrap her in a pink blanket. I held my newborn twins into my arms. "What do you want to name your babies?" The doctor asked. "Loki and Lucia Wagner." I say. I was given the papers that showed my twins' birth certificates.

Name: Loki Wagner
Gender: Male
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Date Of Birth: October 31, 1989
5 pounds, 3 ounces
Time At Birth: 6:00 AM

Name: Lucia Wagner
Gender: Female
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Date Of Birth: October 31, 1989
5 pounds, 3 ounces
Time At Birth: 6:06 AM

I looked at the twins, who were already cooing at each other. They have my genetics. They were taken to the baby room and after that, they are normal babies. I held my son and daughter, who fell asleep at the moment.

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