Chapter XII: Isaac Gilmore

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             You say you wanted more
                   What are you waiting for?
                   I'm not running from you

Lucius' P.O.V.

I can't find Maia anywhere. All I found was a piece of her snowy white hair that fell when she left. Leaving the house, I searched and searched, but I couldn't find my angel. I heard laughing and screaming. I realized that it was Isaac Gilmore laughing and Maia screaming. What is he doing to her?! Oh, mother of humanity! I have to rescue my beauty! I followed the laughing and screaming until there was a brown wall. I busted it open. Inside was Isaac holding a dagger and Maia screaming in pain. She was strapped to a table, wearing nothing but a bra and a pair of panties. I cannot believe it! He is torturing my bride! I am so enraged, now. My eyes turned red and I saw a satanic ritual icon cut on Maia's stomach. This made me even more angrier. Isaac threw a fireball at me, but I missed it. "You think you're better, you little sh*t head?!" He taunted. I just threw a fireball at him. It hit him and he burned. I took some salt and threw it at him, killing him into flame. I unstrapped Maia and held her bridal style. I walked home with my baby girl in my arms and sat in a chair, still holding her.

Maia's P.O.V.

I woke up in someone's arms. I realized the arms were Lucius'. Lucius looked at me with lust in his eyes. He kissed my lips and held me tighter. He wrote in his notebook again.

Hi, there, sweetheart.

I just smiled at him and got up. I went to bed, but the cut on my stomach hurts so much! Ugh! Going into the bed, Lucius came in, notebook in hand.

Mind if I get in the bed with you to warm you up?

I giggled a little and nodded.

Thank you, sweetie. I will make myself comfortable.

He gets into bed and wraps his arms around me, warming me up. I fell asleep with my head laying on his chest.

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