Chapter XIV: The Road

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I can see you from behind
You can hear me in your mind
Run so fast as you can go
Time will catch you before you know

Lucius' P.O.V.

My baby and I left the house and walked to a bench. I wrap my arms around Maia as we sit on the bench. we cuddled up as we watched the sun. We got up and walked around the town. I smiled at my little princess as she kissed my jawline. I kissed her nose and I smooched her lips. She giggled and blushed. I kissed her neck and caressed her back. Suddenly, a fireball hit us. We missed it, but my eyes turned red in rage. Is Issac back again?! I am now enraged. I turned around to see Isaac with fireballs in his hand. Isn't he dead?!?! "You think I'm gone, you little sh*t head?!" He taunted. I just stared at him completely enraged. I wrote in my notebook and showed it to Maia.

Maia, go! Run away!

Maia did, but Isaac saw what she was doing. "Oh, no, you don't!" He said. He used a shadow-like hand to grab Maia. "Your bride is going to Hell!" He said. This enraged me even more. I threw a fireball at him, but he missed. He jumped down, still holding Maia and threw a fireball at me, but I dodged it and lunged at him. I picked up a shotgun and shot him, killing him. Maia fell down and I caught her and nuzzled her a little. I kissed her and carried her bridal style to a bus which Detective Jack McGuffin will be driving. A lot of people were there, even my father. Father awarded me with a scroll. I sat on a seat and laid Maia's head on my thighs. I have fulfilled the Prophecy.

Maia's P.O.V.

I woke up and saw Lucius with a scroll in his hand and my head was laying on his thighs. He stared at me and kissed my nose. I giggled and Lucius sat me up, wrapping his arms around me and laying my head in the crook of his neck.

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