Chapter VI: Cold As Hell

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              I tried to be someone else
              But nothing seemed to change
                I know now
             This is who I really am inside
             Finally found myself
             Fighting for a chance
             I know now
              This is who I really am

Maia's P.O.V.

It's been a month now, and I have already imprinted on Lucius. I was in his room, and I saw something under his bed. I went down to see what it is and I touched it. It was cold and metal. Taking it out of his bed, I saw that it was a padlock. What's it doing here under his bed? I put it on the desk, but when I looked back to put it back, I saw that it was gone. Maybe one of the maids took it and put it back where it was. I left Lucius' room, I went to meet up with Lucius. I saw one of the maids, Mary, go inside the freezer. Lucius had something in his hand. It was the padlock I found under his bed! He locked the freezer and messed with the buttons on the temperature of the freezer. I could hear Mary knocking on the door. I walked in to get her out of the freezer, but before I could, Lucius looked at me with red eyes. Oh, gosh! Save me! Red eyes! He slowly walked to the stairs. I gotta run before he gets me! Terrified, I ran to his room, not looking if he's still chasing me. I realized that I didn't close the door. He's coming! I gotta hide from him! I hid under the bed.

Lucius' P.O.V.

Maia caught me trying to freeze Mary to death. She must know that I am doing this to sacrifice them to Father. I went to my room. She wasn't here, but I know she's hiding. I just know where she is hiding. She's under the bed. I can see a piece of her beautiful snowy white hair. I went and looked under the bed, and there was Maia, terrified and shaking in fear. I grabbed her hand and pull her out from under the bed. I just closed and locked the door before she could escape. Restraining her in a hug and stroking her hair, I wrote in my notebook, explaining that my family members must be killed to sacrifice them to Father. "But, Lucius," Maia said. "Are you gonna kill me?" I wrote:

No, but if you tell, you will be dead along with your parents that treated you like garbage.

Maia's eyes bubble up with tears, but I hugged her tighter, which she silently cried in the crook of my neck.

I love you very much, Maia.

"I love you too, Lucius!" She said as I started cupping her cheeks with my hands. "I won't tell."

You better not.

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