Chapter X: The Kill

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I miss the bad things,
The way you hate me,
I miss the screaming,
    The way that you blame me
Miss the phone calls,
     When it's your fault,
     I miss the late nights,
   Don't miss you at all
     I like the kick in the face
And the things you do to me
I love the way that it hurts
       I don't miss you
      I miss the misery

Maia's P.O.V.

I woke up and saw the morning sun light shine through the room. I felt a pair of arms wrapped up around me. I realized the arms were Lucius'. He woke up and stroked my hair. He takes out his notebook and writes.

"Good morning, sweetheart."

I smiled at him. "Kiss Mama's lips." I say. He pressed his pale lips on mine, creating a romantic kiss. I felt his legs tangle up with mine.

"Your arms go around my waist, my arms go around your waist, and your legs follow mine."

I did, and Lucius kissed my lips.

"Oh, yes, Maia."

He's so warm, now.

Lucius' P.O.V.

Maia is such an absolute dream. She is the love of my life. You sleep with me, honeybunch. Suddenly, the door opened and a man looked at us with an embarrassed look on his face. It wasn't Detective McGuffin. "What the h*ll?" He said before walking to us. My eyes turned red. With one snap of my fingers, the man burned and died. Maia and I continued to kiss.

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