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My name is Judy Emery. I live, yet, I felt part of me had died.
And we all know the dead can no longer lie,
Down in the dark is somewhere I got lost
Oh, believe me, I have been paying the cost.

Sometime I think about all those poets of long ago
How their own story was being written.
Oh, the thoughts of the dead,
where their words are always read
playing around in my head.

I get the visions of those who have drunken the steal waters
leaving their mouths wide open, as if they wanted to speak,
of what is called words of the unknown-
I see the kneeling in those one's final thirst,
Oh, how I thrust down my face
praying for grace,

Oh, the tears rolled from my once called drying eyes.
Soon I see coming up glimmering upwards
a light coming out of the darkness,
Speaking in a time I know not of, Or where the voice
was coming from.

Oh, but how I truly cling to every word
that was spoken to me, I started to write out those painful times
that had played games on my mind
day and night
I truly did write as the tears flowed from my eyes
even in the face of knowledge?

I was told about many things to come-
Oh, how this made me want to run,
I had to experience a time I know not of,
I see the stones that were being cast to the souls of many things
Oh, the words were plenty, Yet, I felt no pity.

I tried to speak, but my words couldn't come out.
Yet, I would hear the screams and the murmurings
of all those who love the poets that are being stoned.
Yet, their hearts never gave in to men
as their eyes rolled up to the heavens as the tears rolled down.

At that moment I didn't hear a sound
as their body's where slain upon the bloodstained ground.
I saw the system of what was, and what wasn't in my time
Quietly I thought as the images started to fade.
What was this about, I started to shout out loud.

That is when the stage was no longer
yet, my poor heart did ponder-
for the answers to come to me
So, I open my Bible of glory
To this ancient story.

-Judy Emery © 1982The Queen Of Darken Dreams Poetic Lilly Emery.

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