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There is an answer to all this scrutiny
as the eyes search for the flaws of the flesh
darkness soon makes its acquaintance
that makes the heart disapprove.

Yet, so many reviewers praised the ink
that is dashed all over the silk paper
of true passion that makes the art
that comes from deep within.

Oh, Look! how the common people
are still holding on to the traditional
of how the heart longs to be loved,
that would give fullness to one's soul
this passion burns like coal.

This is something poets have established
when they had written all their pains down
to share what their hearts bled out
upon their lovers' bed.

These endorsements that turned into a battle
that is being fought every day -
This is how the pages of life shine bright in the rays
in the silence of our own hearts.

-Judy Emery © 1999The Queen Of Darken Dreams Poetic Lilly Emery.

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