I hear a sad little tune
that came to me in early June
the sounds of longing
blown slowly into a raging of wind.
I shouted so loudly
make this pain stop, please
as had fallen to my knees
breathless, hopeless, was me.
I hear some year later
a little bird chirping like it was wounded
it's sound so lonely and empty
with so much longing.
He was chirping some kinda painful melody
hoping his love would maybe here his call
but no luck and it wasn't long
this little bird's heart fallen.
It made me think,
as I wrote out my own pain in ink
while my spirit soon started to sink
in just a little more in winter
I started hearing the sounds of agony.
Form this little bird that is singing
his little heart out for the both of us
next to my bedroom window
longing for both of our pains to be set free?
- Judy Emery © 2019
The Queen Of Darken Dreams Poetic Lilly Emery
PoetryThis book is for the ones who had a big imagination, where you can imagine what it is you read, the good and the bad, well the poem that I have put in this book has a lot of mixed poems of long ago and the now.