the beast

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When I look at the mirror, I see myself
I don't see only my reflection

I am capable of seeing my deep being
I can see fears and I can see courage
I can see tears in a smiley face

I see every person that I've loved
And I can see the ones who loved me

I hear the songs that make me feel alive
And can remember the moments that I knew life was worthy to be lived

When I look at the mirror,
I'm a little girl and I'm also an old woman
I can see all of my lives passing by my eyes

That's when I am glad that I'm nothing
but myself

When I look at the mirror, I realize I'm no judge
I am only a ghost trying to have a story good enough to be told

When I look at the mirror,
I accept all the monsters inside me
Because I know even angels have fell

I accept all my versions
'cause I know I'm perfect because of my mistakes

When I look into my eyes,
I see more than a beautiful look
I see what other people can't see

I see my story, I see my past
I see all the things that made me who I am

When I sit in silence,
I hear my heart beating
And I feel the air going through my lungs
I feel my body as a temple

I know I'm a goddess
I know I'm a human
And I know I deserve to be alive.


"I think the healthy way to live is to make friends with the beast inside oneself, and that means not the beast but the shadow. The dark side of one's nature. Have fun with it and you know, is to accept everything about ourselves."

- Anthony Hopkins

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