A Second Attempt

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After what seemed like days, we finally gave up escaping through the stupid tunnel. As we began to leave, I turned to Kaede. "I'm pretty sure that stupid tunnel is rigged anyways. A way for us to hope for an exit and then fall into despair. Seems like something the mastermind would do." "Maybe. I still believe we can find a way out! If we all work together, we can defeat the mastermind!" When Kaede finished her sentence, I had a great idea. "Can I show you something later? Bring Saihara~Chan with you! We'll meet at the dining hall at 9pm tomorrow!"

I "skipped" off without allowing her to confirm or deny anything in the plans. We all needed to sleep after that torture of an escape plan. My legs ached as I walked and my right foot wouldn't touch the ground without sending searing pain through my body. I was practically hugging the wall and limping. Kaito must've noticed when he walked by, his reaction proved it easily. "Kokichi, do you need help?" He seemed genuinely concerned for my health, which is a shock considering how he killed me before this. 

"Nee hee-hee! I'm perfectly fi- OW!" I had subconsciously let my foot fall to the ground and the pain burned through my body again. "I can carry you if you need help." I gave a slight nod and let Kaito carry me bridal style back to the rooms.

"You couldn't have chosen a better way to carry me?" The sarcasm was obvious in my voice. He'd be an idiot if he didn't notice it. "I didn't want to risk hurting you on accident. My back stings too so I couldn't have given you a piggyback ride." "How about giving him a different kind of ride, if you get what I'm saying!" I had almost forgotten that cum dumpster existed before now. "Clever wordplay for a whore bitchlet like you." Kaito seemed a bit uneasy carrying me once I finished my sentence. "Wh-Whore bitchlet?" Miu looked a lot like some thot nurse who landed in inappropriate poses after "tripping" on air when she was embarrassed.

I wonder if that person really exists...

The way back to my room was fairly awkward. Neither of us made small talk or even open our mouths until we reached the rooms. "Should I carry you up the stairs or can you make it? My room's upstairs too so it wouldn't be too much of a hassle." "I think I can make it myself." Kaito helped me stand back up and there was a long silence as we climbed the stairs. Kaito walked to his room and began to unlock it. "Wait, Kaito!" He turned to look at me and I tried to say in the most sincere way I could, "Thank you."


I couldn't believe the words that just came out of Kokichi's mouth. He didn't seem like the type to thank anyone or even give a nice gesture. "It was no problem for me, Kaito! Luminary of the Stars!" He let out an adorable giggle, very different from his usual laugh. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow, if you don't die that is." Those last few words sent chills down my spine almost instantly.

How does he change his emotions so quickly?

"Nee hee-hee! It's a lie!.. at least, I hope it is." Kokichi tried his hardest to mumble the last sentence as quiet as he could, but I could still hear him easily. "We're getting sidetracked. Goodnight Momota!" Kokichi walked into his dorm with a large grin and a slight blush on his face. He confused me more than the motive behind forcing the bunch of us into a killing game. Even walking in on Kaede shaving her piano was less confusing than his personality, and that's weird.

I let myself fall onto my bed, the pain in my body fading away as I drifted into sleep. Although, the dream I had wasn't expected, or wanted much for that matter.


I locked the door behind me and let out a sigh of disappointment. Kaito was as air-headed as he was before I died. Either way, the pain I felt after the Death Road Of Despair wasn't very different. I had twisted my angle after trying something way too ambitious than I should've. Knowing you can't die REALLY affects your confidence.

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