Exciting Turn of Events

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"Alrighty then! It's motive time! And it gets exciting!" Monokuma popped out from behind the podium and held up a few envelopes with our names on them. "In these envelopes, are your deepest, darkest secrets, but here's the twist! Your envelope will have someone else's secret, but you won't know who! If nobody kills in the next 24 hours, I'm going to reveal who's secret is whose!"

It was a fun and pretty interesting motive, I'll give him that. He threw them into the air and we caught ours as they fell. I opened mine and a large grin covered my face. There was no way to hide the small coating of blush on my face.

I love Kokichi Oma.

"N-Nyeh! This is..!" A small wave of shock ripples through the room. "Is this even true..?" Shuichi pondered aloud. "They're all as true as the fact that I absolutely love salmon!" Monokuma yelled. "Do whatever you want with this information! I'll be waiting for a corpse! Toodaloo!" We all looked at each other in either suspicion or fear. 

He actually went with the plan.

"Hey, Cockichi, what's with that shit-eating grin?" Miu asked, pointing a finger at me. "Well, I don't know about you guys, but I got something pretty interesting." I put my hands behind my head. "Maybe if we all tell our secrets, there would be less embarrassment when everyone's secrets are revealed." Rantaro pointed out.

"I'll go first. Mine says, 'I lied about my Ultimate Talent.'" Kaede began the strange secret hell with something normal. "Mine says, 'I would kiss any girl for free.'" Tenko announced. "I got, 'I pour the milk before the cereal.'" Rantaro said with disgust. "Nyeh, mine's 'I'd blow Kaito off any day.'" Kaito's face instantly became red. I'm pretty sure that was my secret too.

Great. Just what I needed. Embarrassment.

"Hah! I got 'I almost killed somebody with a grasshopper!'" Miu laughed. "Mine says, 'I discovered robots can love...?'" Shuichi was confused by his. "Mine's, 'I learned if robots have dicks, they do.'" Kaito said, clearly wanting to bash his head in a wall. "'I got stuck half-naked in a maid outfit when my girlfriend walked in,' is what mine says," Kirumi spoke up. "This one's plain weird, 'I paint with the blood I gather from sacrifices.'" Tsumugi seemed terrified.

"Nee-hee-hee! Mine says 'I love Kokichi Oma!'" I announced. Miu erupted with laughter. "Mine says, 'I have a pair of everyone's underwear!' Atua says it belongs to Shuichi!" Angie preached. "I have 'I once killed a man on accident.'" Keebo didn't seem phased by what he said. "Gonta has, 'I once chose to eat dirt instead of get rid of my pet cat.'" "I have the last one then, 'I actually governed the country.'" Ryoma finished our secret revealing party and we began to conspire who had which secret.

It was fairly easy for a few. Gonta almost killed with a grasshopper, Angie painted with blood, Miu violated Keebo's body, Ryoma ate dirt, and Tsumugi was caught in a maid dress. Himiko even admitted to putting the milk in before her cereal which caused Tenko to admit to accidentally killing a man.


We headed off to the dorms once the night time announcements started. I tugged at Kaito's sleeve. I knew how to put two and two together. He must've liked me too. "Hey Kaito, can I talk to you in your dorm?" I asked. He gave a quick nod. "Sure, 'Kichi!" I skipped to the dorm building ahead of everyone else to seem less suspicious and pretended to enter my room.

When Kaito walked to his door, I snuck out and headed over. "Hey, Kai~Chan!" I walked inside and he locked the door behind me. "So, why did you need to talk so badly to me?" "It's about the new motive," I said, watching his face fill with color. "What about it? Do you know who owns the secret Himiko got?" He seemed surprised. "Yep! But I'll only tell you on one condition!"

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