Emptying Emotions

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"Now that you're all here, I've made a motive to get things moving! Since you stupid kids can't understand that murder is literally the only way you can escape, I've set a time limit! If you kids don't give me a corpse by nighttime tomorrow, I'm killing you all!"

I rolled my eyes at his statement. He seemed to be losing his tempter much faster than before. Everyone else seemed fairly terrified, which made sense, but I already went through this mess twice now, so I wasn't fazed.

Kaede was doing a terrible job of calming everyone down while Monokuma was laughing, so I thought I'd give the group an encouraging nudge. I raised my hand silently. "Oh? You have a question?"

Their eyes stared into my soul, which I'm unsure I still have. "Yeah. What if somebody commits suicide? Wouldn't that just be a loophole in your plan?" "Look, I didn't think that far ahead. Just kill somebody, damn it!" Monokuma growled.

This is actually getting amusing.

"For a robotic bear, you are quite stupid." I muttered loud enough for him to hear. "I heard that!" He yelled, I pretended to ignore him. "Well, I'm off to go die 'cuz of this stupidity! I'll see you guys around!"

With a dumb statement, I skipped off towards nowhere in particular. I was honestly just praying to find something amusing to do, maybe Keebo?

Kidding! Kidding! Atleast... I think I am. My Pansexual ass aside, This place is really boring. The only fun thing to do is destroy random crap for Monocoins. Even then they don't appeal much.

With a sigh, I slowed my pace down. I glanced around the room I was in, the game room. This place always peaked my interest seeing as we could possibly use it to connect to the outside world.

I should probably try and get Miu- I mean Tsumugi to help me with this idea.

It's difficult trying to keep everyone's talent switch-a-roo in mind. Hell, I don't even remember half of their new talents or who's supposed to be what! I just began looking under the game machines for something weird, seeing as whenever I went to arcades, I usually found some fun objects.

As I peered under the machine, I noticed an odd shape. I reached out and yanked it from underneath. "Hm. Weird. Is this a Monopad?" I thought aloud, ignoring the fact somebody could be eavesdropping on me.

I slipped the device into my scarf, seeing as it didn't weigh much and was quite small. Suddenly, a voice rang out from behind me. "Heya Kokichi!" I let out a squeak of surprise. "Keebo! What the heck!" I whipped around.

"S-Sorry... I didn't mean to scare you..." The taller boy's ahoge drooped down. I smirked and asked him, "Hey Keeboy, is your ahoge the same size as your dick?" He immediately became flustered. "H-Huh! Why w-would you ask such a personal question!"

"I'm just curious. After all, it would make some sense." It didn't make sense, I just wanted to know.

I'm going to get myself killed over this.

"M-Maybe I'll tell you a different time..." He stammered, an adorable blush sprinkled across his pale face. "So, are you planning anything? Like killing, shoving Miu's face down a toilet, making out with somebody?"

"Kokichi... those three things differentiate greatly." "So? I'm just curious!" And so began a conversation that just made Keebo more and more of a blushing mess.

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