Karma Can't Keep Up

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"What the hell was up with you during the trial, Kokichi! You weren't helping at all!" Keebo shouted at me. We were standing outside the gym, where nobody would interrupt our conversation. "Yes, I was! If it wasn't for me, they wouldn't have figured out Rantaro was the only one who could've shut her up like that!"

"Kokichi! Don't phrase it like that! It's disrespectful to Kirumi!" "Too bad! I can say anything I want however I want! I'm a supreme leader!" "You're also a supreme jerk! Can't you open your egotistical eyes for five seconds and realize the situation!" "You should open your eyes! Can't you realize why I'm doing this!"

"Huh! What do you mean?" I felt my eyes droop, almost on cue, like he shouldn't know anything. "I did it because... because..." I began to slur my words, almost like I was in some drunken state.


And just like that, I fell backwards, hearing a horrified Keebo's panicked yells. My vision blurred as the albino picked me up onto his back. "...you're so light.... how... you?" I couldn't make out his words  as I forcibly drifted off.


"Ah! You're awake!" Korekiyo leaned over me, blocking the heavy lights shining down on me. I tried to look around in a panic. "Don't worry, Keebo didn't want to intrude in your room, so he let you use his." "What... time is it, mom?" I asked jokingly.

With a small chuckle, he said, "It's 9am, Kokichi. Everyone else has eaten breakfast, do you want some? I saved a plate for you." I was about to say yes when I remembered that Keebo couldn't eat when he was a robot.

Damn, I've become reliable on my gay teasing.

With a small head shake, I spoke. "I'm ok, momma Kiyo! So uh, did you change my clothes or something? I just feel a bit off." "No. I didn't know how to undo your clothes and I didn't want to do anything without permission. It just feels wrong when I do." He spoke, opening the door.

"Do you think you're well enough to leave?" My new "mom", or is it dad, asked me. "Yep!" I leapt out of Keeboy's bed to Kiyo. We began walking out of the dormitory when I decided to ask him a question that stuck to my head. "So, how many people know I passed out?"

"Only a few. Keebo was carrying you on his back and pounded on Himiko's door. She woke up and got mad, which caused Tenko to wake up and get even more mad. Tenko's screaming woke up Kaede, somehow not the rest of us, and they eventually talked out the situation, deciding to come and fetch me." Korekiyo turned to me, a stern gaze on his face.

"Now answer my question, why did you pass out? Did Keebo do something to you? Did you eat or drink anything before passing out? Are you ill?" He grabbed my shoulders, clearly concerned for me. It would've been comforting if he didn't have obvious panic in his voice.

"I'm actually not sure. I was about to tell Keebo something before my vision got blurry and I just passed out." I lied, trying my best to conceal the truth from him. "I'll try my best to identify the cause then. Mind telling me everything in as much detail as you can."


After making up clever lies for about fifteen minutes, Korekiyo seemed intent on finding the cause of my fainting spell. "I'm beginning to think it may be malnutrition, Kokichi."

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