Pure Luck And Chapter one: Beths p.o.v

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  • Dedicated to one direction

Pure Luck

authors note:

Hi corryn here, this is my first fanfic so no hate please i will upload as often as possible thanks for reading i hope u like it

corryn :) xx

Chapter one Beths POV:

I can't believe it i just can't I'm going to a One Direction concert i was ecstatic, within an hour I'd be in the same room... or arena as my five loves the reason i breathe. "Beth you ready?" chimed my best friend in the whole world. We have known each other since we were little, about second grade."Coming Sky" if you couldn't tell her name is  

Skylar. "Hurry mummy!" "I said i was coming!" that's my nickname mummy cause im kind of like Liam, the Responsible one. We lived in Arkansas but, we came to London for the concert and decided to get an apartment down here. (They have some nice colleges) the tickets were my eighteenth birthday present. I stopped to look myself over in the mirror,I wore a custom made t-shirt that had a picture of niall and above it says 'Beth loves Niall' (i love all the boys but if there were one I'd marry it would be Niall) the shirt hugged my curves perfectly, I also wore a pair of miss me jeans,with angel wings on the butt and a pair of neon green and blue sneakers. Now i wasn't the slimmest girl i was chubby but not fat i mean, it was worse when i was younger i have blue eyes, that at the moment have mascara ,navy blue glimmer eyeliner ,and a soft blue eye shadow with a little green on them my hair is naturally brunette with blonde highlights and still is. Before i stepped out the door i grabbed my phone, side bag and camera. By the time i was down the stair case Sky was standing there tapping her foot and looking at an invisible watch, looking annoyed gesturing me to hurry up she had short black hair and was wearing a 'Vas happening Zayn' t-shirt, which complemented her brown eyes and chocolate skin she looked gorgeous "Im here don't look at me like that!" my thick southern accent said "you said we had to be there 20 minutes ago! " "I lied to make you hurry up your always such a snail.." she looked at me giving me a shocked how dare you look. "Then what time are we actually supposed to be there?" a grin took my face as i said "An hour." she just rolled her eyes and walked out the apartment door, me not but a couple seconds behind.She stuck the key in the lock securing the deadbolt. The car ride there was fun we blasted Tell Me Lie Sky went silent so, i could sing the chorus then, we busted out in unison "Tell me a lie!" im sure cars passing us thought we were insane, especially since we were in a blue mustang, top down Skylars car i drove though. When we got to the arena it was HUGE! We walked up a couple of steps and came to two doors with a tall bald man and a shorter man with little black hair. "Tickets please ladies?" the bald one said ,i reached in my bag and grabbed the tickets,then handed them. "enjoy the show." The two said in unison "Thanks!" Sky and I did the same then, walked off Giggling. The show was gonna start in 30 minutes. We were just standing around when a woman around 70 came up to us. "Would you girls like to enter the contest?" i gave her a confused look. "What contest?" "For a chance to meet and go on tour ...." "YES" Sky and I screamed cutting her off "name and seat number please. If u win you get a friend come with." We gave her the info knowing no chance in the world of winning. The show started about ten minutes later. When the boys came out i screamed my lungs out, it was amaZAYN, they sang and did some tweets ,sadly none of which were mine...then they were about to announce the concert winner. "Beth row two seat 17" I froze Sky raised my hand when we heard Liam say "Where are you Beth" then niall spoke " there she is lads come on up love we don't bite promise." I smiled "Oh and you can bring your friend." I couldn't move he was talking to me this doesn't happen to people like me. Sky pushed me up to the stage stairs, where the crowd was silent and the lights were bright "The contest winners." Louis said clapping the crowd joined in unenthusiastically. I could bearly breath! "You guys get to go on tour with One Direction" I heard a cheekie voice say pretty sure it was Harry."Well loves...how ya feel?" I heard liam say then my knees buckled and everything went dark.

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