End of the Line

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Your boots seemed thunderous, as they pattered gently against the bridge. Your footsteps are slow and cautious, as you approach the figure standing right in the middle of the old yet still standing structure. His hands were deeply hidden away in the pockets of his khaki pants, the choice of clothing still looking oddly out of place on him. He stood with distance between himself and the stone ledge overlooking the ground below, and his head was balanced evenly. His eyes looking straight out in front of him, but you could see from the tension and lost gaze in his face, that he wasn't seeing any of the green scenery spread out in front of him. 

"He was still in there," Your voice booms loudly, although you speak in nothing louder than a soft timid whisper. "wasn't he?"

Steve Roger's head turns swiftly to the right to watch you walking towards him, and his eyes follow your slow and steady movements until they stop inches from him. You stood close enough that he could make out the rigidness of the fresh and still swollen scratches that marred the side of your face. He could smell the antiseptic on your flesh as your scent made it's way to him in the fresh breeze. But it was the tender look of concern and empathy overflowing in your eyes, that made him answer in a soft surrendering tone. 

"Yeah," He breathed out into the open air, and the answer you already knew hung in the wind. "he was."

You took a small step forward, watching Steve's Adam's Apple bob as he swallowed deeply. "But it isn't him anymore Steve, no matter how much you--"

"You asked if he was still in there, and he was. I saw it." Steve says calmly, despite cutting off your careful objection. 

"He wears a suit of armor not his own and a weapon for an arm, but he's still that guy who wore our American flag with pride. His mind is muddled and confused and lost, but his eyes... those were clear. I could see him inside, begging to be let out of that prison. It was him, the Buck I always knew. The Buck who was my brother. He's still him, no matter who he fights or fights for."

You chewed anxiously on your lower lip before answering softly, "But it's you he's fighting Steve."

"I know," He sighs and looks down at his feet. "and maybe that's a good thing."

"Enlighten me." You remarked lightly, as you wrapped your arms tightly around yourself. Watching the man you loved, wrestle with the torment and pain of finding his long lost best friend decades later, having become a weapon. A monster for the enemy.

"I know him," Steve expresses, as his head raises and his blue eyes lock instantly with your own. "I know him better than he knows himself right now. I just have to get him to remember who he truly is. Not who Hydra's made him out to be."

The wind had picked up slightly, within the minutes the two of you had stood out on the bridge, and it rustled throughout the tree branches and the long locks of hair cascading down your back. It felt soothing against the stinging sensation still gracing your fair skin, and you watched Steve relish in the feel of the wind sweeping over him. Breathing in the clear clean air as if to clear out his mind. 

"But he doesn't know you Steve," You plead out softly to him, taking one last slow step closer. "you may see the Bucky you knew still inside him. But he doesn't see you. He sees a mission, a target... he doesn't know you."

You knew your words hurt Steve, like daggers hurdling straight towards his heart, for it hurt you just to say them. But you knew the look Steve wore on his face right now, it was one you had seen before. And one you could never wipe away, no matter how hard you tried. His determination and commitment was unbreakable. When he wore the expression he had now, you knew nothing you said could get him to stop. But although you knew your efforts were futile, you continued to try. Because you loved him... and when you love someone... you never give up on them. 

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