A Piece of Me When You Go

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The rain pattered against the shingles along the roof that covered you, and your ears were entuned to the soft drops that slid down the siding. The sky was dark, pitch black as night had moved in just as fast as the sun had disappeared, drowning the city in a blanket of darkness. And as the night settled in, so did the rain. Pouring heavily, flooding the ground in its tears, yet it fell with grace as it hit your house. It didn't call attention to itself, as did thunderstorms, this rain was silent as it poured from the dark clouds gathered above. 

Thin cotton sheets wrapped around your torso, as your arms rested bare over them. Feeling the breeze of the cool night air blow in from the window you left cracked. The raindrops ran after each other down the window pane, yet none of them made it past the screen into your dimly lit bedroom. It was quiet, as you rested with open eyes. Too quiet. As though something in your gut told you something was coming. 

A soft sigh escapes past your lips and rolling over onto your left side, your eyes fall upon the picture laying flat against your bedside dresser. It's edges fluttering faintly in the circulating air, until your fingers reached out towards it. Bringing it closer to you as you rolled to lay on your back once again. The small square photograph was barely seen in the darkness that engulfed the bedroom, but you didn't need the light to make out what memory laid in wait against it. For it was burned into your mind, the photograph simply a physical copy of a picture taken in your head months ago. 

Yet you still couldn't help yourself, as your thumb slowly began to brush softly over his face. As if you could feel the warmth his skin once provided through that of the glossy paper. But the sensation resided in your fingers, not the picture. And a part of you knew that you'd never get rid of the feeling, the one that still soared through the very tips of your fingers. The feeling you still felt tingling against your palms, as though you had just felt the sides of his perfectly chiseled jaw. As though your fingers had just grazed through his soft blonde hair, or traced the tips of your fingers against his lips. Every memory was still there, in your hands and in your body. Every sensation once felt was still lying dormant inside of you. 

A slight click that echoes softly in the small room catches your attention, and dropping the picture in your lap, you sit up suddenly. You watched as the curtains slowly fell back to the way they were as a shadowy figure stood silently in the corner, and you eyed the window that was now opened wider than you had remembered leaving it. Every thing about this moment should've filled you with uncertainty and fear... but something about the hidden figure gave you an odd sense of peace. 

"You always were my night owl."

His voice appeared far before his face did, but even so, there would never be a day when you didn't recognize that voice. It was calm, and even. Steady as it spoke softly in the dark. And there was a hint of longing mixed into his tone, his words seeming distant and slightly nostalgic.

Without hesitation, your legs swung out from beneath the covers without even consulting your brain. The movement swift and soon your bare feet met the cool touch of the hard flooring. Your legs felt like twigs as you stood with your arms wrapped around your trembling body, and you worried they'd snap in half right from under you. But your heart controlled your movements far more in this moment, than your conscious ever could. 

You wanted to say something, anything into the void that filled thick and heavy in the small space, but no words came to your lips. All you could do was stand on shaky legs, and stare into the darkness that wrapped itself around the shadow in front of you. 

"I worried I might end up waking you up," His voice called out softly again, and it was like someone turned on the most beautiful melody to have ever graced your ears. For it pulled at your heart strings like nothing you had ever heard before, and it pierced your eyes with tears. "but I should've known you wouldn't be asleep."

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