I'll Be Home For Christmas pt.1

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December, 1945

The bright burning flames danced in the fireplace, as though they were spinning lost in a waltz. For they twirled with one another as they sent soft crackles into the air. And the sight shadowed itself faintly against the far wall, making it seem as though there were dancing figures against the white wall. Resembling heavenly angels perhaps, watching over you as you stood in the warm living room.

Your hands delicately twined the strands of shimmering silver tinsel, around the branches of the deep evergreen Christmas tree. And watched as the pale lights that adorned the tree made the tinsel shimmer as though a million tiny stars glittering in the dark night sky. The tree that Steve had brought home to you the week before was simple. It was small, but it lacked nothing. It was the perfect tree for your perfect little home. It may have been artificial, as the real things were hard to come by now with the war, but it didn't matter to you. It symbolized the same thing, whether real or fake. It decorated just the same and lit up the house with a warm and homey spirit just as well. Even better perhaps. 

Your hips swayed gently, with the pleasant melody of light-hearted Christmas music that played from the record player in the far corner, and the soft fabric of your skirt swayed with you. The rich wine color wrapping around your legs from your soft movements as though waves of deep ribbon dancing in the air. 

"I have never met someone who could decorate a Christmas tree as well as you can." 

His voice made you swirl around in your spot, eyes searching for the man the soft and heavenly voice belonged to. And a soft smile spread itself against your pale lips instantly, as your eyes landed upon Steve Rogers, who leaned casually against the wooden entrance frame. His own lips curled upward as he stood with his beautiful blue eyes smiling your way. 

Blushing faintly at the way his eyes seemed to wash over you, causing your heart to race and your knees to feel weak, you turned your eyes back to the tree. "You think it looks alright?"

You'd known this man for almost your entire life, and still, he managed to erupt butterflies in your stomach and cause your heart to flutter right alongside them. It wasn't that he looked at you with a hunger in his eyes or a lust in his loins, it was that he looked at you as though he was always in awe. That you were the most beautiful and fascinating thing he had ever laid his eyes on. Steve Rogers looked at you, even after all of these years, as though you were the entire world wrapped up into the soul of a single being. 

"I think it looks beautiful."

You could feel him near you before his feet even made a sound against the soft carpeting. His movements had always been quiet, cat like in ways, but you had grown used to sensing him without the addition of sound. There was a clean and calming scent about him, that seemed to wrap itself around you as he drew near. He smelled of soap lingering on his flesh and of fresh peppermint that heighted all of your senses. And his presence, it was something you could feel tingling on your spine. Like his shadow, was a cloud that descended down upon your shoulders, and you could feel him coming closer.  

You hummed softly, feeling as it vibrated softly within your chest. And leaning back gently with all the faith in the world that he was standing right behind, you rested your back against his chest. Feeling the beat of his warm heart, and the heat from his body that radiated through the fabric of his uniform that he had yet to change out of. "Is that the only thing?"

His laughter rumbled beneath the skin of your back, and you smiled at the tender-hearted sensation and sound that graced your ears. "Never. Not when you're ever in the room."

The smell of fresh mint wrapped around you just as his arms circled around your waist, and held you closely against his own body. Feeling as he rested his chin down softly in the crook of your neck, the soft gust of air exhaled from his nose made the side of your neck tingle with warmth. And you smiled in the warm embrace that felt like home. 

"Why don't you change out of that attire and into a more comfortable one, and help me place the topper on the tree?" 

You felt as Steve's arms tightened for a moment around your petite frame, hugging you tenderly from behind. "There's nothing I'd rather do, but I have to head out." 

His words slowly faded the smile from your lips, and you twisted in his embrace to turn and face him. Looking up at his face, that shadowed with the flickering flames, and frowned softly. 

"So soon? You've just gotten back home." 

Steve's face cringed faintly at the sadness that you couldn't hide in your voice, and hung his head slightly. "I know--"

"And it's nearly Christmas!" 

His right hand darted out gently, and ran his palm over your soft hair that cascaded its way down your shoulders. "I know, and I wish there was a way I could tell them I couldn't be there." 

You looked deeply into his eyes, and you could see the regret swimming in his beautiful orbs of tender blue. And it almost pained you to see such sadness in such a breathtaking sight. 

"But this one is important, isn't it?"

Every time Steve needed to leave, and return to the front lines to fight for his beloved country, you knew it was important. Everything was these days. But something about this moment, this time around, you knew it was different. That something monumental was about to happen, and Steve Rogers needed to be there. No matter the time, no matter the season. And you weren't going to be the person to stand in Captain America's way.

Raising your left hand as Steve began to nod his head, you pressed it tenderly to the side of Steve's face. Feeling the natural warmth of his skin, and the extra heat that came from the fire that warmed that side of his body. 

"Then you go, and you help whoever it is out there that needs helping. Go and save whoever it is that needs saving."

His eyes shimmered with the sight of a warm smile before it spread like a wildfire across his lips. "I promise you, I'll be home for Christmas."

"And we'll dance right here, under the twinkling lights and beside the burning fire."

Your lips pressed together with the tears that began to pierce the corners of your eyes, and smiled up at the man you loved, as you nodded your head softly. "It sounds like a date."

Steve chuckled lightly under his breath, and brought his smiling lips to your forehead. Pressing warmth and love into your flesh that ached for his touch, only for it to cause the tears you were holding back to finally fall free. 

"Don't cry beautiful," He whispered against your skin, and his voice was like balm over your stinging wounds. "I'll be here. Right on time. I promise." 

Sniffling softly, as Steve pulled away from your forehead, far enough so that you could look upward into his eyes. And with a pained, love filled smile, you whispered softly through the tears. "I love you Steve."

And his lips were right back in their spot, as though they had never left in the first place. "And I love you."

Your heavy heart ached as you walked him out the door, feeling the cold winter wind touch at any exposed skin. "I'll see you on Christmas."

Your voice rang out with a slight shake as your word froze instantly in the chilled air, and Steve turned his head back to look at you as he stood on the second step on the porch. You knew you said it because you needed the assurance one more time, and you knew by the smile on Steve's face that he didn't mind. 

"I'll see you on Christmas. Better have your dancing shoes ready."

And it was with teary eyes, an aching heart but a smiling face, that you watched him disappear into the cold December night. And the only thing that warmed you from the numbing winter temperatures, was the hope that bloomed in your heart at the knowledge that Christmas was only a few days away. And with it... Steve.

A/N: Ahhh! Merry Christmas Eve everyone!❤🎄Yes, this one shot will be a two parter! I couldn't just give you all one Christmas one shot, so I decided to give you two! I hope you enjoyed this first part, I absolutely love it! I'm honestly so proud of the writing I was able to accomplish in this one! I really wanted you all to feel the spirit of Christmas woven within it, and I feel I was able to do that! I can't wait to share the second part with you all very soon!❤

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