You Know Me

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(This is a part 2 for my one shot Just A Kid From Brooklyn. I want to thank TotalGeek__ for giving me the idea and persuading me to create this one. I hope I did you proud! Also, listen to I (just) Died In Your Arms covered by: Hidden Citizens. This song is the perfect build and intensity for this one shot. I am so in love with this cover! Now, here we go!)

Metal scraped against the asphalt of the once busy street, as Steve Rogers's shield slid with him, as he went flying down against the rough concrete. His bent right arm fell upon the vibranium roughly, as his side slammed to the ground. His eyes fluttered shut for a brief moment as he felt the wind knocked out of him, his chest heaving at the impact inflicted onto his already bruised and battered body. Blood dribbled slowly from the corner of his slightly swollen lips, from the blow to the jaw that nearly knocked him clear out. And it fell upon the concrete in a small pool of crimson beneath his slightly wheezing figure. 

The man who had sunk him to the ground was clearly trained. Steve knew that, not only from the blows he was able to inflict on him, but from the way he sauntered towards him with a dark shadow behind his eyes. It was as though his brain was simply a computer program, and the single command was to kill. For it blazed in his eyes like a fire, a mission reflecting back at Steve in the only part of his face that he could see. And it was all he needed to see, to know that this man wanted him dead. Pummeled into the ground by his bare hands, with no chance of resurrection. 

Steve drew in a deep breath as he stumbled back to his feet. His hands clenched into tightly held fists as he gazed forward at his adversary, and watched as he trekked down the long stretch of road towards him. Conviction in every step his feet took as his black boots pounded against the asphalt, and his fists too, hung tightly wound at his sides. He started out heavily armed, an assault riffle shooting rapidly at Steve. But he had lost it long ago as Steve managed to knock it from his grasp, and watch it slide down the street away from his view. But it was clear, that this man needed no weapons other than the two hands God gave him. 

Steve stood firmly in place as the man reached closer, his heart pounding like a drum in his ears. Echoing inside of him as his heart raced with adrenaline inside his chest. Smoke from a crashed vehicle nearby clouded the air around them, and Steve could feel the warmth of his blood still falling from his lips, but nothing registered in his head at that moment. His eyes were casted intently on the man who had suddenly stopped not more than a foot or two away from where Steve stood. And he watched, cautiously and with grave inquisitiveness as the man's hand reached up towards his face. 

The man stood so closely now, that Steve could make out the color of his eyes as they still stared straight towards him. As though they could burn a hole straight into Steve's tightening chest. They burned with something that almost seemed unhuman, and yet, there was something about the shade of blue that pricked at Steve's racing heart. Something familiar and haunting within the shadows of rage surrounding it. 

The man reached for the strap on his helmet that had been covering his face, keeping his identity hidden from Steve this entire time. And yet, now he watched as he simply unclasped it. All this time, he had fought to remain a mystery as he tried to destroy Steve Rogers, and here he was in a matter of seconds, revealing to him who he was. The man behind the mask. 

All sound drained from Steve's ears as the mask dropped to the ground, a pounding echo paining his brain from the way it seemed to bounce slightly on the concrete beneath them. He couldn't hear a thing, he couldn't even hear the way his lungs struggled for their next breath within his constricting chest. 

Steve Rogers looked forward at the smoky street before him, and the unmasked man that was trying to kill him. And lost all sensation in his body in that very moment... for the man before him wasn't a stranger. He wasn't a mystery, not anymore. 

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