Heart Torn Two Ways

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(Listen to You Are The Reason by: Calum Scott while you read this one. It's beautiful and so emotional and really adds a depth to this one shot.)

Shadows illuminated the bedroom like dark rain clouds, hanging over you with a weight that nearly brought your body crashing to the floor. Pain thumped furiously in the pit of your chest in place of your heartbeat, and yet, you couldn't feel a single thing. Your body numb to the agony and heartbreak that overtook you, leaving you floating through the bedroom on feet that were barely moving on their own. Your mind completely lost and disconnected from yourself, as something kept you standing as you bent over the side of the bed. The cream colored sheets laid crumpled from the last time you spent wrapped within them, entangled between soft cotton and the warm touch of another's flesh. His scent lingered on the pillow case that had since lost the imprint his head left, from the night he rested beside you. And the evidence of happiness remained in the room like it was the air that you breathed, stabbing your already bleeding heart with a knife. Twisting it as your soul still ached for the man that betrayed you. 

Your fingers shook as though lightening had shot straight through the roof and struck you right where your stood, as you stuffed random and strewn clothing into the duffel bag zipped open on top of the crumpled bedding. Your long locks fell into your line of vision as your head kept it's gaze downcast, towards the bag you shoved items into without any recognition or realization. You couldn't feel anything and yet your body still moved. Your eyes looked up as you turned to open the dresser drawer that was always deemed yours, but your movements faltered as your burning eyes fell upon the single photo frame propped up on top of the dark cherry wood dresser. It was small and encased in a sleek silver frame, and yet the photo that laid inside seemed to scream with the voice of a thousand pained souls. Shouting out to your heart that was coded in lidocaine to protect from the agonizing pain of it splitting in half. 

Lifting up the frame in your trembling hands, your eyes settled over the image of a happy couple. A woman so deeply in love with the man she looked up to, that you could see it shimmering back in her eyes. And the man she gazed up at, held her in his arms as though there was nothing in the world more important than the woman within them.

"I remember when we took that picture," His voice nearly made the frame come tumbling out from between your grasp, as the breath in your lungs was frightened out of existence. And timidly, as your heart slowly recovered, your eyes lifted. Cautiously, as though the moment they landed upon him, you would turn to solid stone. But you knew more likely, it was because when you looked at him... into his blue eyes that always seemed to swallow you whole... that you would crave to forget all of the hurt that kept your heart captive. "it was a happy day."

Finally, your tearful and scared eyes lifted all the way and collided with the heavy scrutiny of blue eyed gaze. It fell upon you like a ray of bright light; burning and intense and caused your temperature to rise. But within the deep gaze that made it hard to breathe, there was a calmness that attempted to soak straight into the crevices of yourself. Despite the fact that his eyes made your numb being still in it's place, unable to move as long as his gaze washed over you, it was crafted from the softest of intentions. For there was nothing callous or rough or even frightening about the look itself, if anything it nearly softened the pain and attempted to melt away the hurt. 

Steve Rogers stood with his right arm resting his weight against the doorframe, and although his loosely held posture was relaxed and calm, you could see in the rigidness of his muscles that tightened out the space between his shirt and dark leather jacket, and the deep running tendons beneath his tanned skin that told you he was holding himself back with caution. With trepidation that he shouldn't be here. Protecting himself perhaps, from the lashes he knew were coming from the pain he caused you. But he looked at you with concern swimming in his blues, and the love in his eyes wasn't lost on you. Even in the state of the tears that muddled your vision and the pain that constricted your chest, you could still pick up on every single emotion perceptible across his flawless complexion. 

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