Gone with the Wind

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Steve Rogers's heavy boots thundered against the porch steps with conviction. He climbed them swiftly, cutting the journey of four steps to two with ease, as he reached the front door in a hurry. He could hear his heartbeat thumping loudly in his ears, seeming to pulse with the rhythm of a beating drum. Echoing in the deepest crevices of his mind, as it took over the entire sense of sound he had. But it was even worse to feel the palpitations of his racing heart constrict his chest, as the fear rose up inside of him. It felt as though he was drowning on dry land. Terror filling his aching lungs like water, suffocating him from the inside out. 

Steve's hand twisted the door handle to the side harshly, enough so that he nearly ripped it from it's socket. But it didn't faze him as he threw the pale yellow painted front door open, listening to it bang roughly against the outside wall. He stepped over the threshold, as his eyes bounded around the dim living room he entered. Hesitation evident in every weighted step he took as he sauntered slowly over the warm carpet. 

He could feel it the second he stepped into the house. The coldness, the baroness that had swept across the structure. It was like a thin fog that had descended upon the once warm and active household. Bathing the rooms in a darkness that was unusual to the normally light and happy atmosphere the filled the small spaces. And the feeling was one that sent a shiver down Steve's spine, making goosebumps arise over his skin and his hands tremble faintly at his sides. The feeling of emptiness that engulfed the house, made him more than weary. It made him fearful that he was indeed too late.

As he walked past the coffee table that lay feet away from a television set, with crayons and half-drawn on coloring pages strewn across the warm wood, his eyes landed upon the picture frames that decorated the pale cream walls. Shadows drifted across the photographs that stared back at him, as though the eyes of the people in them could speak. And he felt the water rising in his lungs, causing each breath he tried to inhale burn that much more. As he looked deeply into the eyes of his precious girls. The house felt as though any trace of life had been completely erased, like no one had ever lived there to begin with. But as Steve gazed intently at the bittersweet photographs that graced the walls, he knew there had been such a happy family here.

A sound broke him of his heavy gaze and thickening thoughts, and his head snapped to the screen door that was left open a crack. Beginning his careful steps again, Steve walked over to the sliding door that lead to the large fenced in backyard. He had put the fence up himself, taking him only an hour or two to complete the project. It would've taken him less time, but he had a special little helper that enjoyed handing him each and every nail he hammered into place. 

Sliding the door with a shaky hand, Steve felt the warm breeze float against his face, as he stepped out into the backyard. The grass was a deep rich summer green, and it blew in the gentle breeze. His footsteps sounded loud as they walked across the wooden porch that led down to the long grass, but his eyes were focused on the sight of the pink and purple princess castle he had built. It stood in the middle of the large yard, and his heart ached at the instant memory of his daughter's face the moment she saw the finished palace. The light in her eyes and the magical sound in her voice. It made everything tingle in his body with sadness as he gazed upon the brightly shaded structure. But the noise that had coaxed him out of the house in the first place, sounded once again. And Steve found himself clearing his throbbing head of the grief ridden clouds, and heading towards the noise as he had originally come outside to do.

The sound that was once a loud bang against the girly playhouse, had fallen to a softer high-pitched whisper. As though a soft voice hidden within the long bladed of grass. And it slowly began to grow louder as Steve rounded to corner of the house, and his eyes landed upon the source of the noise.

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