I Think I Fell In Love Today

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Steve Rogers always wondered what it would be like to fall in love...

Would there be bright fireworks in the sky and butterflies fluttering in his heart? Or would there be an explosion of both? Would he feel as though his world had finally become centered or would it completely flip over on its axis? Leaving him dizzy and breathless. Would there be perfection in the moment or a glittering fairytale to share over a lifetime together? Would he know... the second his eyes met hers, that he was in love? 

Steve always believed it would be this profound moment that would change his life, something so earth shattering and perfect that nothing in the world could come close to the feeling. He never once imagined his right eye would be nearly swollen shut, and she'd be helping him off the ground in a dirty old alley, when it happened.

She had shown up just as the man beating him to a pulp had left, rounding the corner and leaving Steve bloody and bruised in the corner of a nasty backstreet. Although his eyes were shut from the pain and exhaustion that nearly destroyed his body, he could hear the soft click of her heels against the concrete. And a sudden pleasant scent graced his senses, one that cut through the metallic scent of his own blood and the rank stench of the garbage that laid strewn around him. It was a soft and floral scent, one that made him think of his late mother in fact. It was comforting and warm, just as the fingertips reaching out to touch his arm felt. 

They brushed against his arm timidly, and he jerked involuntarily at the contact. He wore layers of clothing due to the chilling temperatures and hissing wind that swirled around them, and yet the very tips of her fingers felt like sparks touching his skin. They shocked him, both physically and mentally, as his eyelids fluttered open to take a look at the woman crouching beside him. His vision was blurry, as Steve was relying most of his sight on his left eye due to the swelling in the other, but it in no way diminished the radiating beauty that knelt before him.

She looked like an angel. With her deep auburn tendrils trickling down her shoulders, spreading color across the soft white fabric of the coat she adorned. It was like autumn leaves sprinkled across a valley of perfectly fallen snow. And her eyes, were like the trees that the leaves fell from. A deep brown shade that looked to him with warmth and compassion. He couldn't imagine what his face looked like right now, he doubted it resembled anything close to a human being at the moment, and yet she looked at him like no one had ever looked at Steve Rogers before. 

It felt as though she could see straight through him, as though he was as translucent as glass. And with that, she could see right into his soul. His heart. Everything that had always been hidden from everyone else on the inside, was now completely exposed to her eyes. But there was something in the manner of which she looked into his heart, that took away any sensation of uneasiness or nervousness. She looked at him like she could see who he truly was, and it stunned Steve Rogers to his very core. 

"Here," Her thick eyelashes flutter softly as she looked deeply at him. "give me your hand. Let me help you."

Her voice was as angelic as her appearance, and it seemed as though a light glowed around her. And for a moment, Steve questioned just how hard he hit his head against the hard concrete. But as his hand reached forward, and felt her warm fingers slide across his, he knew she was real. That this wasn't some figment of his imagination and that she wasn't some beautiful mirage he was seeing due to a deeper head injury.  

Her hands held an underlying chill from her lack of gloves, but the warmth that flowed through out her body, seemed to pour out into the palms of her smooth hands. They gripped his with a gentleness as her warm eyes scanned the cuts against his bruised knuckles, and she helped him to his wobbly feet. And there Steve Rogers stood, a couple inches shorter than the beauty beside him. Covered in dirt and blood and bruises, that instantly stood out against the cleanliness and pure shimmering white of her clothing. But she never once looked at him as though he was in some way less than she was. If anything, he wondered if he spotted a glimmer of admiration in her eyes, as she leant him a kind smile with a curl of her perfectly pale pink lips. 

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