Monsters Under the Bed

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The house was still and settled. The night that encased the world in deep shadows, had spread it's calming darkness within the secure walls. Leaving each room dormant and quiet for the night, and even with the pale white hue of the moonlight that shone through the thin linin drapes, it wasn't enough to wake the beings inside from their peaceful slumber. Remnants of the day still lingered on the living room floor in the form of strewn dress up clothes and arts and crafts that would surely be dried out come morning. And the kitchen counter tops still stuck slightly from the residue left by the spilled orange juice that morning and the dishes of a family cooked dinner lay climbing like vines in the sink. But the house that hadn't stopped bustling since the early morning hours, finally rested. 

Steve Rogers slept soundly in the queen sized bed he shared with the love of his life. His hushed snores blowing softly out into the calm and silent air of the small but cozy bedroom. And his fingers, that had been dyed glittery red by a certain someone's favorite glitter glue, were entwined loosely with hers as his arm wrapped her in his warm embrace. Even in sleep, he held onto her. Protecting her even when there didn't seem to be a single threat to be protected from. The home was at ease for the night, and Steve enjoyed the long but beautiful days that had him passed out the second his head touched his pillow. 

But with a house so consumed in silence, it made any source of sound seem ten times louder. For a sudden crash startled Steve straight out of his dreams, causing his immediately tense body to jerk at the noise, and his blue eyes to flash open. Looking down, he saw that the sound hadn't woken the woman slumbering sweetly beside him, and he ever so gently slipped his hand from hers. Making sure the movements were slow and delicate as not to wake her, and carefully lifted from the bed. His bare feet touched the cold hardwood in a swift movement; and the chill was a slight shock to his skin after being wrapped in a nestle of warm blankets for the past few hours. But he rose fully to his feet as he waked quickly to the nearby chair where a plain white tank top lay folded out for him, and slipping the thin cotton fabric over his head, Steve exited the bedroom while closing the door closed quietly behind him. 

The hallway was dark, just as the bedroom was. But as Steve Rogers ventured the short path, that was lined with family and school pictures in bold frames against the pale walls, he spotted a faint glow coming from a single room at the very end of the hall. The door was never shut completely, which allowed the light to dance in a thin line across the wall and it bathed over Steve's bare foot as he reached it. The light oak wood door was covered with 3-D paper butterflies that gave a clue who's bedroom this belonged to. Pressing his hand gently against the door, Steve pushed it open. Allowing the rich light to fall over him, causing his eyes to squint faintly at the sudden burst of light to his sight, but regaining vision as his blue eyes landed on a single image.

The bed, dressed in princess themed sheets, that was usually filled at this time of night was empty. The sheets crumpled and nearly pulled off the twin bed. And the overhead light that covered Steve in more light than normal at such early hours, was shining brightly from the ceiling above. But it was the sight of his shield standing in the corner created by the meeting of two right angles, covering the space in between that truly drew his gaze. It stood on it's side, completely upright, and covered the small spot his daughter enjoyed to sit when she pulled out her books to read. 

With a deep breath exhaling past his lips, as the realization that there was no mortal danger threatening his family at the moment, Steve leaned his right arm against the doorframe. A small smile played at his lips as he stared for a brief moment at the sight of his large and very distinct piece of armor surrounded by such bright and lighter themes. The smile grew as he heard the slight sniffle of his little girl coming from what seemed like the vibranium itself. 

"Isn't that a little heavy for you?"

Steve pushed his weight from where it rested against the entrance to his daughter's room, and began to walk in slowly. His feet leading him around her bed into the corner that was blocked by his shield. And in one swoop, Steve lifted the otherwise heavy armor to reveal his daughter crouched hidden in the cramped corner. And the smile that had found it's way to his face suddenly faded at the sight of tears that streaked her precious face, as she was a ball of pink pajamas and sadness. 

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