Three Little Birds

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The warm summer sun, shone down through the minimal clouds that were sprinkled across the vast powder blue sky, and the bright rays ran through the leaves of the large oak tree. Falling from their surfaces with a lighter hue that made the long green grass far below the canopy, sparkle with the shimmer of sunshine. The air was warm as it drafted through the screens of the open windows, that surrounded the small farmhouse. But it wasn't a humid, sufferable summer heat that filled the atmosphere. It was shadowed by the feeling that autumn was not far off, the cool undertones in the soft breeze that blew through the branches and the crisp feeling that cut through the dense summer sensations. 

And as Steve Rogers sat on the small wooden bench, laid nestled in the long grass just beneath the large hovering oak tree, he relished in the soft breeze that blew through the leather jacket he left open. The blend of seasons falling over him, as he gazed out across the valley of wide open green land, that spilled out for miles in front of him. Seeming to roll on forever and ever until it finally disappeared into the skyline that faded into the very beginning hues of a sunset in the distance. 

The world seemed far away out here, as though this place was created in the single crevice the rest of the world couldn't reach. For it was quiet, gone was the hustle and bustle and stress that plagued the rest of the Earth. And Steve breathed in the peace that settled over the land just as gracefully as the setting sun did. But even as the air was nearly silent, excluding the faint whistle of the breeze and the soft chirps of the few birds hidden within the branches above him, Steve could still hear her as she drew near. The almost inaudible shuffle of her feet through the long summer grass, and he could sense her presence before her shadow even brushed against his back. For there was a sensation that shot through his chest whenever she was in proximity, and it made him feel a warmth that spread inside of him like a rapidly burning wildfire. He could smell the rich lavender vanilla lotion that she could hardly live without, waft through the breeze in his direction and he could hear the soft hum of her steady breaths as she reached closer to him.

"It's just beginning to set." Steve's voice was the first to break the delicate void of quiet that covered the land, and he could feel her smiling over him, as she walked around the back of the bench to take the empty seat beside him.

"You know I never miss a sunset," Her voice spoke softly as she slowly bent her legs and lowered her body down onto the light wooden bench. Her movements slow and cautious, and lulled with age but as she finally sat beside Steve, the brief brush of her elbow against his bicep sent the same strong sparks over his flesh. As though she had just shocked him with a zap of pure electricity. After all the time that had passed them both by-- one affected by it and the other left untouched-- he was still so sensitized to her touch. Any small graze was enough to send his nerve ending soaring. "especially when it's with you Steve."

Steve smiled softly at her words, and turned his head to the right to get his first glimpse of her. And with the warm hue of the falling sun casting against her porcelain skin, she glowed. It was an elegant glow, one that matched the composed and properness in which she sat with against the wooden bench, but there was also a heavenly glow to her. One that nearly stole the breath that he was breathing. She looked like an angel as she sat beside him in the fading summer sunshine, beneath the large overcasting oak tree. With her pale silver curls sparkling in the streaks of light, and her timeless smile seeming to light even the darkest parts that the world had to offer. The loose fabric of her pale cream--hand knitted--cardigan blew in the soft breeze and her bold eyes held Steve captive in their strong grasp. 

"I'd spend the rest of my life watching sunsets with you." Steve admitted to her in a soft tone, as he gazed with affection towards the elderly woman, who didn't look a day older than the day he met her, in his eyes. 

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