Off The Deep End

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(Listen to Shallow covered by: Fleurie/Tommee Profitt while you read this one. I didn't think anyone could do this song any better than the beautiful classic original, but when I heard it for the first time, I was shocked. The emotion, the angst and depth while being so soft and delicate. It's amazing and I think it really fits the essence I tried to create in this one.)

The clouds seemed darker, as they hovered above Steve Rogers, as he strolled down the gravel path. The sky was a rich blue, one that made him believe a storm was soon to be rolling in. Like a stormy sea, revealing rich sapphires beneath it's crashing waves. And the clouds, some still white and puffy compared to those that had turned into a smoke like resemblance, lined the sky. And it was as though they were lying in wait, for the perfect moment to release their rage. The wind that wrapped around Steve, blowing through his messy blonde locks and ruffling the edges of his navy jacket, felt like something was looming in the atmosphere. The way the wind felt nipping against his flesh, with a chill that made his spine tingle, and yet the air itself was thick with warmth and humidity. The temperatures mixing together, brewing unease and imminent rain. The sky above Steve Rogers seemed angry... and he knew the reason why.

Her figure leaned against one of the tall wooden beams, overlooking the vast lake, however Steve wasn't sure if it was to keep her steady on her feet or simply a preferred position. Her arms wrapped around her body as though she was strapped in an invisible straight jacket, and even with the feet in which Steve stood away from her, he could see the way she gripped onto her arms. The pressure creasing her skin, and pulling it up into her grasp. Her knuckles visibly white as the intensity was sure to bring bruises to her flesh. Her feet were bare against the wood, and her long hair blew in soft tangles down her spine. Whipping around her, as though lashes of leather against any exposed skin it would possibly find. She looked lost... she looked alone... and it was for those reasons that he searched for her. 

"There looks to be a storm coming in soon," Steve's voice seemed thunderous in the open void between them, as though the vibrations were enough to send the trees shaking and the birds bolting out from the safe nests. His words were calm and introductory, as he wasn't looking to have a conversation about the impending weather, but rather to attain her attention cautiously and with a soft ease as not to frighten her. As his words hit her ears, he knew he had accomplished just that, for her head immediately snapped to the side and peered over her left shoulder towards him. But the sight of her face, sent Steve's heart spiraling into his stomach.  
The skin around her cheek bones burned a bright red hue, as though someone had lit a match and let it burn beneath her flesh. Her lips were parted as she breathed short and careful breaths, passing through the trembling, with heavy constrictions of her aching chest. But it was the sight of her eyes, that Steve felt like the tip of a knife in the middle of his heart. They were drowning in emotion; pain soaring through her irises as though the agony was a shade of blue. Her long lashes fluttered against her searing flesh like that of butterfly wings, rapid and soft, but they were heavy with the stain of salt. And the way her eyes looked to Steve, there was a pleading within the swirling sea of despair. Steve couldn't quite determine if she was pleading for him to leave her be, or if there was something more that he couldn't see. But the unknown didn't keep him from venturing forward, taking the last few steps, until his shoes hit the light wood she stood upon.

Steve stood still, as he shortened the space between the two of them to a few mere inches. But his eyes didn't stray away from her tear stained face, and neither did hers. Her body was tight, as though a ball of yarn that was knotted all around. And her expression looked drained as she stared into Steve's kind gaze. As though the soft breaths he could hear her inhaling, were too strenuous for her. And it wasn't until Steve watched another lone tear roll down her cheek, that he spoke up. 

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