I'll Be There

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You knew something was wrong the moment Tony walked into the room. It wasn't that he greeted you instantly with words that made your heart sink with fear. In fact, it was his unusual silence that acknowledged you first, and that only made the anxiety in your chest rise to new heights. For your brother was certainly not the silent type, he always had a quick quip for any situation and you never knew him to be at a loss for words. And yet, here he was walking towards you with an ominous silence in his shadow.


Your voice trembled slightly, as your hands rung together nervously in front of you. And as your words seemed to echo in the large and window encompassed room, his deep brown eyes lifted to meet your heavy gaze. And if the unlikely silence wasn't enough to tell you that something about the mission had gone wrong, his face certainly filled in any of the remaining blanks. 

You had never known your brother to show any sign of shock or let others see that something affected him in a deep way. Even with Pepper, he struggled to be real and honest with her, when it came to the things he experienced. But even if he tried his hardest, he couldn't mask the pain that washed across his face. It was a pain that you instantly recognized, for you held the same hurt in your heart. The loss; seeping its way into the lines of his slightly tanned face. A loss from so long ago, and yet still fresh as though the accident had just occurred. 

"Tony?" You asked again, as your brother paused his steps just as he reached you. "where's Steve?"

Your question caused his head to jerk up, and you saw the flare of fire reflecting back in his eyes. His deep set brows furrowing as Steve Roger's name fell from your lips, and you watched his hand dig for a short second in his back pocket. Pulling out a flat white envelope that he held out for you to take, the hand that held it tensed and nearly crushed the paper beneath his grip. But he loosened just enough that you could slip it out of his tight fist, and you looked down at the familiar writing on the front of the envelope. 

"Ask your precious soldier." He murmured under his breath, before he turned and walked right out of the room. Hurried as though a fire burned beneath him, and although you could hear the anger and betrayal in his voice, you knew none of it was aimed at you. 

The envelope was small and thin, and yet it felt as though it weighed your entire body down as you held it delicately in your hands. Like the ink was made of lead. 

Running your fingertip softly over the simple writing of your name on the front, you walk to the chair sitting lonely in the corner of the wide and slightly cold room. Your legs tucked beneath you as your fingers moved slowly to peel open the flap in the back. Hearing the paper rip faintly, and you pulled out three thin sheets of paper. They were creased together in order to fit them both in the snug envelope, but even before you open them up, you knew that the paper you held was a letter. And you braced yourself for what kind of news awaited you in the form of Steve's handwritten words. 

You could almost hear his voice as your eyes ran over your name, that was printed neatly in his unmistakable handwriting. It was as though he stood beside you in the room, calling your name softly in the silence that settled in the air. And it made your heart ache when your head naively raised, and spotted nothing but vacant space surrounding you.

Maybe Tony's already told you everything. I know how he hates keeping secrets from you. Maybe he's said everything there is for you to know, and you've changed your mind about me. I wouldn't blame you... it isn't fair of me to make you choose between me and your brother. 

But if he hasn't, I wanted you to hear it from me. 

Your parents, their death is on Bucky's hands, and although he wasn't in his right mind when he did what he did, he's still responsible for the reason they aren't there with you today.

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