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The soft chirps of the morning bird's melodies that filled your bedroom, sounded as though they belonged in an animated fairytale, for it felt like they were waking you up with a song sung especially for you. Their soft little chirps harmonizing with the other, and you imagined them flying into your room and pulling back your lace curtains with their beaks to let in the morning sun. But as your eyes opened slowly, the only thing that filtered into your room for the new day that waited on the other side of your window, was the warm sunlight. It bathed your bed in hues, that danced across the misilanious patterens on the quilt your grandmother hand stitched for you as a child. There was something raw and new about the mornings as spring bled into summer; there was a brightness to the sun that felt almost saturated. As though it wasn't true sunlight, that it was replaced with that of artificial light painted to look that bright. There was something in the first breath you took in as you woke to the light, that felt clearer and happier than in the colder months. There was just something about the air, that made the mornings easier to welcome. 

Slowly, as you allowed time for your eyes to fully adjust to the sudden flood of light and your body to wake from it's peaceful slumber, you swung your legs to the side of the bed. Your feet dangling for a brief moment before they pressed flat against the carpet, your bare pads feeling the soft fabric beginning to float in between your toes, as you began to walk the short distance to your window. The mocha colored carpeting was soft and warm, as the sunshine shone down across it. It was soothing, as you reached your small window and pulled back the thin drapes. And the light that had been floating in through limited rays, now had full advantage of the space. 

Leaning your left shoulder gently against your powder blue painted walls, you gazed out the window at the Washington D.C buildings in the distance, and relished in the warmth the sunlight bathed you in. The buildings within the city were far enough away that they didn't diminish the beautiful nature that awaited for you, the lush green trees that surrounded the side of your bedroom. A soft smile had since shadowed against your lips as you enjoyed the warm early summer morning, but the peaceful moment was soon interrupted by a loud and repetitive pounding at your back door. 

Jumping at the sudden burst of noise, especially alarming at this time in the morning, you took a breath as you reached for the thin cotton cardigan laid strewn over your nearby dresser. Wrapping the fabric around you, over the navy camisole and matching sleep shorts, you exited the comfort of your warm and calming bedroom. As your bare feet lead you down the hallway towards the door that waited beside the kitchen, you wrapped your arms around yourself as though a layer of protection. When it reality, it was merely an action of self comfort and warmth, as you ventured away from the spotlight of warm sunshine. 

The small backdoor was covered by a set of wooden shades that you tilted back, as your hand met the silver door-handle, and through the thin slits you were able to make out the figure waiting for you far before you pulled the door open. 

He looked as though he had been through hell and back. Every inch of his skin was dusted with a layer of grit and soot, that made it seem as though he had been trapped in a mine somewhere below in the depths of the Earth. His blonde hair was tousled and creased in different directions as the ash that covered it made it resemble a much darker shade. The clothing that adorned his body, which was also scuffed, ripped and stained with smoke and dirt, looked so out of place on him. As though he was taking refuge in the body of another, as you knew this wasn't a look he would usually strive for. But the thing that truly grasped your attention, and made your heart beat a rhythm or two faster, was the sight of his eyes. They were bolder than you had ever witnessed them to be before, and you knew that was attributed to the dark ash that shadowed his face. Making the rich ocean blue of his irises stand out like a sapphire buried within a pile of coal.

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