One Call Away

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The night was silent; the kind of quiet that made the world seem as though it had been drained of all its sound. Leaving the air thick and hard to breathe, with an unease to the atmosphere that surrounded you. There was an eeriness to the darkness that encapsulated the living room you sat within, something in the way that you could hear the sound of your steady breaths hiting the air in front of you. A silence that crept up your spine and left a chill down your flesh, for everything was intensely intuned to even the smallest semblence of a sound. For it seemed so out of place in the dense void you found youself trapped inside of. The low hum of the air conditioning, and the rustle of the rain blowing through the trees just on the other side of the wide window across the way. They were the faintest of sounds, mixing with the soft breaths you made yourself take every few seconds, but they seemed overwhelming in the silence that nearly suffocated you in the darkness. 

The compound felt coldest at night, you quickly learned. It's large windows and overbearing walls making the structure wide and unmissable, and yet when it came to the interior, none of the fancy machinery or functions or even the grand size could compare to the feeling within the walls that encased you. There was a time when it felt warm, when it felt full, but the second Steve Rogers crossed over the threshold, it was as though he had stolen the sun and had taken it along with him. Leaving the beautiful structure empty... lifeless. 

The raindrops trickled down the far window like teardrops running down your cheeks, it was as though the dark night sky cried for you. Knowing that you had shed more tears in the past couple days than you had in your entire life. There was no storm trailing behind the soft patter of the rain falling against the roof, for there was no anger in the clouds. There was no storm raging inside the sky. It simply needed the cry that you yourself had taken comfort in. And so, in the darkness of the living room, you watched as the skies teardrops coated the glass. Lost in the trance of the emotion rolling down the siding, for once feeling what it was like to cry out the pain in your heart, without the sting of a single tear touching down across your skin. 

"I'm pretty sure that there's nothing out there that you haven't seen during the day, that you need to see at two-thirty in the morning." The voice came from the doorway behind you without warning, and the very presence of another made your heart nearly hammer out of your chest. Your body jumping at the sudden voice ringing through the once silent room, and causing the mug--that you had begun to forget you were even holding tightly in your hands-- slosh from the jostle. The hot tea splashing onto the cotton sweatpants covering your left thigh, but still wincing at the initial burn of the warm liquid soaking through. 

"Don't you know better than to sneak up on someone in the dark?" You asked with a slightly furrowed brow, but still didn't turn your head around to look at the man the voice belonged to. Instead, you stayed still with your legs tucked under you, as your eyes stayed focused straight ahead on the falling rain. 

Tony Stark entered the living room with soft steps, but you could hear him exhale a deep breath as he sauntered across the hardwood floors towards the couch that sat to your right. Just beyond the short coffee table dividing the two peices of matching furnature, and you could see from out of the corner of your eyes as he slowly rested himself down upon the cusions. Crossing one ankle over the opposite knee, as he relaxed back with his arms crossed loosely over his chest. As he settled into your meloncholy company, the silence that once penatrated the room slowly eased back in. For the sound of the rain coated the atmosphere, and soon Tony's steady but deep breaths were audioable in the quiet. But just as it came, it disappeared, for a quiet moment didn't often stay long with Tony around.

"How long have you been sitting down here?"

You lifted your shoulder, as your gaze dropped from the far window to the pale and barely steaming liquid that swirled inside the porcilen mug warming your hands. And instead of answering his question, you brought the mug to the edge of your lips and felt the warmth fan softly across your face as you tilted it back. The light scent of peppermint soaring through your senses, as you allowed the calming tea to run down your throat, warming you from the inside out.

Steve Rogers/Captain America One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now