Behind Closed Doors

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You could see the steam tumbling out from the small crack, left open by the bathroom door, and you watched as it flooded across the floorwards. Rolling across the deep wood like fog spreading out across a vast forest, the clouds wrapping softly around your ankles as you stood near the doorway. You could hear the sound of the shower running through the thin bathroom door, and you knew that he was inside, as you listened to the pings of the water drops hitting the shower floor. If the steam wasn't a big enough clue. 

Steve never liked to completely shut the doors to the rooms he was in. It never bothered you though, in fact, if anything it made it easier to find him in the house. For somedays, he hid himself away after returning home from a long mission. And it felt like a savenger hunt just to find the man. You'd find him sitting out on the back patio alone in the rain sometimes, the screen door left with a small opening. Or you'd find him hidden in the living room, staring blankly at the wall as night fell upon the quiet house, with the sliding door left nearly completely open. At first, it frightened you. Not knowing where Steve had disappeared to, especially when you could see the struggles in his eyes that he tried so hard to hide from you. You worried, a little too much sometimes, but now it seemed as though a normalcy every time he returned. You would find the room with the door not completely shut, and you would enter quietly, knowing he was inside. And you simply sat with Steve Rogers, until he was ready. Ready to talk, ready to look you in the eyes, or ready to simply move on from the casualties he had to witness on his mission.  

Whatever it was, and however long it took, you would always sit there waiting. You would always find him, and you would always be there waiting until he was ready.

Your palm pushed gently against the slightly warm bathroom door, and you stepped into the humid space quietly. Your footsteps silent against the white tile floor as your eyes swept over the small room. The fluorescent lights shone brightly, and seemed to almost reflect in the mirror, creating an even stronger since of brightness in the bathroom. But some of the light was skewed by the steam that seemed to create a thick cloud within the small space. And it completely coated the mirror in a thin blanket, and it warmed the atmosphere around you instantly. The humidity had picked up the rich scent of Steve's shampoo, and it filled your senses with a heavy and yet comforting warmth. For the entire room smelled of Steve. 

You could make out his figure slightly through the marbled shower door; it was merely a shadow in the shape of his unmistakable body. But it was enough to make your heart flutter as it always did when you saw him, and your eyes shut tightly for a moment. Feeling as the anxiety, that had risen in your chest during your search for Steve, began to settle at the sight of him. 

Shutting the bathroom door carefully, you turned and walked towards the middle of the stuffy bathroom. As you began to strip from your current clothing, you watched as they bundled into a messy pile at your feet against the tiled floor. Whereas Steve's laid in a perfectly folded pile that rested on top of the closed toilet seat lid. Walking out of the comforting cotton, you could feel the stickiness of the humid air touch your bare body. And it almost felt as though you were going to start sweating right there. But walking the few steps forward, you touched the side of the door softly and slid it open slowly. 

His bare back was facing you as you stepped into the small and very steamy shower. Steve's head was casted downward as you watched the water run down through his beautiful blonde locks, and you took a step towards him. His slightly tanned skin almost looked red from the spray of the water that washed over his body. And as you were a step behind the taller man, you felt the water touch you. And it burned. It felt like someone had boiled water in a pot over the stove, and poured it over your bare body. But biting through the pain, you reached your arms out, and slid them around Steve's warm torso. 

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