♡ Obstacle Race ♡

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Narrator P.O.V

As soon as Midnight had given the signal, all 1st year students rushed into the tunnel. People pushed and shoved at each other, trying to get through quickly.

Todoroki took this as a chance to freeze everyone and get ahead. Annoyingly enough to him, most of his own classmates managed to escape and dodge his attack. Mineta tried to use his own quirk against Todoroki, but failed when it was knocked away by a robotic arm.

"The first obstacle! Robo Inferno!" Present Mic continued to explain how these were the robots used in the entrance exam, of which Todoroki had never had to deal with before. Todoroki was still for a moment, thinking to himself, before he suddenly ran forward, sending a huge wave of ice at the robots.

"He froze them!"

"Between the legs! We can get through!" 2 students comment, but Todoroki quickly turns around and comments over his shoulder.

"I wouldn't if I were you. I froze them like that for a reason." As if fate was on Todoroki's side, the moment he called that out, one of the robots fell onto the ground, breaking both out of the Ice and making a huge cloud of dust.

His classmates, however, using their quirks managed to find ways around. Some flew over the robots, others used their quirks as not to be hurt in the fall, but most made it through. Present Mic began to praise Todoroki, but he was too focused on the race to pay attention.

⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰

Eclipse was seated still on the end of Rani's bed, watching the race with intensity. She was paying the closest attention to Todoroki and Bakugou, remembering the way they had cared for Rani.

For just a moment, Eclipse's attention flew away from the screen and to Rani, wondering to herself who her best friend would choose out of the two boys. Before shifting back to the screen. It took only a few moments for the silver-haired girls attention to once again, shift from the screen to her friend. This time, however, was due to the purple-haired female moving ever so slightly, and grunting.

Eclipse's eyes widened at Rani's movement, but returned to the T.V When she heard present Mic's voice come through the speaker.

⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰

"Hey, Hey, Hey! The first obstacle was a piece of cake for Todoroki, but what will happen at the fall?! If you fall, you're out! If you don't wanna be out, then crawl!" Todoroki rolled his eyes slightly at the so-called obstacle, before swiftly sliding across the ropes with ice.

Overhead, he could hear Bakugou using his explosions to get across. Todoroki sighed and quickened his pace ever so slightly. After only a few minutes of Running, Todoroki and Bakugou heard Present Mic exclaim that the last Obstacle was coming up, and when the two got close enough to see it clearly, they realised it was a minefield.

'So.. this puts those in the front at a disadvantage' Todoroki thought as he began to make his way across the explosion-filled clearing. He couldn't use his ice, knowing it would give those behind him help.

After only a few moments, Todoroki turns his head ever so slightly to see Bakugou fly on past him.

"Don't declare war on the wrong person, Bastard!" Bakugou called over his shoulder. With the two fighting to keep in first, Bakugou tried to hit Todoroki with one of his explosions, while Todoroki tried to use his ice on Bakugou, the two trying to also be careful of the mines below them.

⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰

Eclipse's grip on her friend's hand tightened ever so slowly, completely ingrossed into the battle happening in front of her eyes. She knew if Rani was there, she would have bet them no questions asked, but she wasn't. Eclipse was also questioning who she should cheer for, and along with that, who would make the best partner for Rani.

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