♡ Todoroki ♡

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Narrator P.O.V

As the Purple haired female walked away from the enraged fire hero, Endeavor, Todoroki rounded the corner from behind him and stared at his fathers back.

Todoroki had heard and seen the entire situation, and was tempted in multiple occasions to step in, but something on Rani's face and told him not to. The smirk on her face was as if she was saying, 'Try me. I dare you'. Something in him trusted her, even if he thought she was sending herself to certain death.

After a few moments of silence between the two, Endeavor turns around and eyes his own son. "Shoto. I'll assume you heard all of that?" Endeavor questions. Todoroki nods, glaring back. Endeavor stops for a moment and crosses his own arms. "What do you think about my proposal?" Todoroki takes a moment, thinking over the idea his father had given to Rani, his friend, and thinking over both his and her answer.

"If Todoroki wanted to do that, that's a different story, and depends on my own feelings towards him" Rani had said. He felt an odd heat rushing to his cheeks, but he takes a deep breath, calming both his mind and heart, before looking up at his father.

"The only issue is the word 'quirk'" Todoroki responds coldly. Endeavor, simply stares at his own son, face unchanged. An Awkward silence forms around the two Todoroki's before Shoto sighs, taking steps forward and walking past his father. Before Todoroki can get too far however, Endeavor speaks up.

"You care for her, don't you?" Todoroki simply freezes in his spot, thinking over his father words. Did he care for her? Was that it? Was that the odd feeling he had been feeling around her? Before Todoroki could respond, however, Endeavor speaks up once again. "...I see."

Endeavor then begins to walk away, calling over his shoulder one thing. "Go find her. She's looking for you, Shoto."

Todoroki simply shook his head before running away from his father, and after his friend and classmate.

He ran through the halls after her, his mind still in a wirl from what was said. He was beginning to understand these new emotions, ones that he had never felt before, and if he was being honest, It was scary. But at the same time, he was sure that Rani would be able to help him understand what he was feeling.

As he rounded a corner, he found the one girl who had been occupying his thoughts for the past few minutes, walking through one of the halls, looking around. Todoroki placed a hand on one of the walls, resting himself for a minute, calming his breath and heart, before walking towards the purple-haired female.

⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰

Rani P.O.V

"Rani?" I heard a voice behind me, when I turned, I saw no one other than the Bi-hair-coloured boy I had been looking for.

"Shoto!" I call, running over to him. "Shoto! Where have you been?" I ask him, with worry in my eyes.

"Around, Why? Is everything ok?" He asks in return. I nod twice, before answering verbally.

"yeah, everything's ok. I was just really worried about you. Something seemed.. Off, In your last match." Shoto stops for a moment, thinking before nodding.


"So, Are you ok? Both mentally and physically of course." Shoto nods at me, and I can sense his spirit-raising a little. "That's good! Tell me if you get an injury though, ok? I wouldn't want you to be hurt."

I think I see something flicker in Todoroki's eyes, but he quickly nods at me, his face returning to its normal Monotone expression. "Of course, thank you Rani."

"For what?" I ask, confusion filling my once concerned expression.

"For always standing by my side, worrying and caring for me." He replies simply.

"It's not a problem, it's what friends do, isn't it? Didn't your friends and parents care for you when you were younger?" It was too late when I realised my mistake. I have the temptation to cover my mouth, remembering what Shoto had told Midoriya before. Shoto on the other hand, doesn't seem to mind, and simply shakes his head.

"I'll tell you about it sometime soon, but now isn't the time." My expression drops slightly, as I look him directly in the eyes.

To my surprise, Todoroki gently grabs one of my hands and begins to pull me back towards the seats and main festival. "Don't give me that face, I'm ok. I promise."

All I could do was nod at the back of him, quietly worrying about him. I quickly shake my head however, my smile slowly making its way back to my face.

⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰

When me and Todoroki arrive at the bleaches, Midoriya is talking with Eclipse. It doesn't take long for Midoriya's attention to switch from Eclipse to us, quickly followed by my childhood friend.

"Rani!" Eclipse calls, Using my free arm, I wave at her, as both me and Todoroki sit down with them. "Perfect timing! The next match is about to start." Eclipse explains.

The two of us continued to chat about what the Shoto and I missed, but the tension between Midoriya and Todoroki was unbelievable. I believe both me and Eclipse could sense it, but I, at the very least, didn't blame them. They were going to go up against each other next.

Eclipse, Midoriya, Todoroki and I sit together and watch the final matches. Midoriya begins to mumble to himself a couple of times through-out the battles, with Eclipse having to hit him on the head a few times, Todoroki, however, who was sitting on my opposite side to me, remained silent nearly the entire time.

I kept sneaking glances at him, making sure he was alright. Every single time I did so, Todoroki's attention was focused on the matches ahead of him, Monotone expression plastered on his face, like normal.

I kept telling myself it was just me worrying and overthinking things, but I couldn't help but shake an odd feeling.

⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰

Narrator P.O.V

Little did Rani know, that the odd feeling she was experiencing was not only worry due to her encounter with the flame hero, Endeavor, but because Todoroki Himself was sneaking glances at her.

He couldn't get his father's words out of his head, which was normally extremely easy for the flame and ice user. He had been training himself his entire life to ignore his father, but the moment he mentioned Rani, he couldn't get them out of his head.

Things were still hazy, but were starting to become clearer. He was starting to understand the fear he felt of losing Rani, the joy and happiness he felt whenever she was around, and the way she was able to separate him from his problems, as if they hadn't happened at all.

He couldn't describe this feeling, but yet, some side of him was happy it was Rani. He was happy it was Rani that would help him understand this emotion.

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